Gaggia Kubika Switch Fail


New member
Mar 1, 2005
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I bought a Gaggia Kubika a year ago and this week the on/off switch has failed - it no long stays switched on. After looking on the web I found another reviewer for the cubika with the same problem.

I looked at the switch and though I could just buy a replacement on/off switch. When it arrived it appears that the switch is now manufactured differently - the 0/1 graphic has been rotated 90 degrees. More importantly the power connectors have been renumbered from 1,2,3,4 to 1,2,4,5 ??

Does anyone know where I could get instructions from for installing the new swtich? The company who supplied me the part are unable to supply installation instructions.
Has anyone else had problems with the Cubika?

I'm trying to find a quick and easy solution as I can't find the receipt and have already thrown away the original boxes!

Any help is much appreciated - caffine withdrawal has kicked in :evil:,

Same here

Here is the link to the documentation of my problems with this machine:

We have returned the machine to a warranty repair 3 times. The service person did not accept any of my suggestions to just take it back, as there is no fix - unless you purchase different switches yourself and solder them into place.

The only way I could get this to work, was, by:
- putting a thorough documentation up about the way this incident was handled, on my website
- getting Carrefour (the retailer) to look at this website (I find their visit on my website 1 hour before the phone call that they take the coffee machine back)

Never did Gaggia themselves suggest to exchange the machine.

Whatever you do, try not to get electrocuted! This is a severe problem, and we had sparks going in our machine.

New Switch

I sent my cubika back recently and got the switch replaced.
Originally I just order a new switch. When it arrived the connectors were numbered differently and it was now rotated 90 degrees when fit in the housing.
After looking into how circuit breakers work and realising that they don't work if the wiring is incorrect I lost interest in repairing myself! :shock:

When i rang the local distributor they couldn't help me on installation instructions for fear of being sued so I had to send it back.

Gaggia did replace the switch and return it within 5 days - I contacted them directly and they gave me the name of the reseller who sent it to England free of charge.
Incidentally the same people who sold me the switch after I had described the problem. You'd think they would have just told me I could get it replaced for free!

Anyway - I haven't looked inside at the switch but it certainly feels like its a different mechanism.

Thanks for your reply, I had only seen one other person with a problem like this before but there seems to be a significant flaw in the switchs they were using.
Exactly the same switch problem is now happening on my Gaggia pile_of_crap Cubika. It's about 5 months old.
This is my second machine - the first spurted water everywhere except through the coffee filter from day one.
And another thing - why is the water tank so difficult to fit back in place? Means that making a simple cup of coffee is such a chore.
Broken again!

I can't believe it, this time the steam button has broken in exactaly the same way. That means when they replaces the on/off switch they didn't replace the others.
I'm gonna have to send it back again! :twisted:

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