Ganoderma Coffee - read me before you delete me please

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May 24, 2012
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I came to this forum hoping to find a few answers about ganoderma coffee. It seems there is a lot of hate on this forum towards the stuff based on skepticism and some BS FDA warning which states nothing more than another company, of many beyond coffee, that wants to make their products sounds amazing (strange...).

I'm not here to advocate for ganoderma containing coffee, but just want some mature opinions on brands and information that people have stumbled upon.

There is a wealth of articles by simply searching even google that ganoderma is helpful. for example has a very positive description for which I'd like to think I can partially trust.

And even a few studies that have noted success in some of the areas Ganoderma claims to help.

and here appears to be a list of studies on ganoderma many of which I will surely attempt to find/read.

The information I have found is enough for me at least try supplimenting with ganoderma, and experience the feelings for myself. To see if ganoderma can help raise anti-oxident levels, immune system function and energy levels. For a decent price, why not?

Ganoderma coffee however appears to be the big problem. I can see plenty of retarded, "do it yourself sales" crap that want me to be a distributor and what not. Obviously I can see where the hate can come from on such a silly attempt at making money.

So let me be straight:
I don't want to purchase massive quanities of ganoderma coffee that I can resell.
I don't want beans that you were dumb enough to buy in bulk that have been sitting in your cupboard or basement for months.
I don't want to be a distrubutor
and I don't want a miricle all-around cure for everything including minor death....

I've noticed any site that doesn't appear to sell for distribution, sells boxes with individual packaged doses which leads me to beleive that the stuff is, or has to be, instant.
I want some ground ganoderma coffee I can throw in my coffee maker/press and get some quality coffee with an extra kick of some herbal love. Since I'd prefer not to just take a suppliment that I'm doubtful will even be fully absorbed by my body. hate please..This is a serious inquiry asking for some serious responces.
Can anyone recommend a well-established, normal "business as usual" ganoderma coffee distributor?

***I guess I can't post links yet, but everything I tried to post i turned up on google in 10 mins..
Hello "Twitzit"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

You are treading on a slippery slope when you try to start a discussion about a topic that's not allowed on the Coffee Forum. I'm imagining all sorts of spamming posts by the end of the day.

If you do a Goodle search on Ganoderma side effects, you will see some articles that may help change your mind about injesting it.

Here is one article that I found to be interesting: Ganoderma Side Effects

Also go to the FDA website and search there. The mushroom in question is listed as dangerous.

More than likely this forum thread will end up being deleted. We'll see.

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I have read that site, and assuming what they are saying is true I would actually welcome effects due to detoxification, if it is in fact detoxifying.

When it comes to the FDA, however, I will trust little they have to tell me. It is my personal opinion that the FDA approves what is it paid to, and ignores anything that they are not without *significant* proof of it's effects that the FDA can't ignore without publi, which I'm sure for ganoderma will not be coming around as soon as I'd like to see it. Aspthpartame for example is an alternative sweetener used in most every "diet" cola or whereever someone is scared to ingest sugar and is approved by the FDA dispite countless studies proving it's strong neurotoxicity.
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Additionally, I understand it is not approved on the forum. But as the suppliment is popular in the form of coffee I would just like to know if that is because of a sheep following scam, or authentic gains.

Looking for a serious discussion as stated in your rules.

Do you have a local health food/nutritional supplement store where you live? They may be able to tell you who's selling what you're looking for. If you ask around, you'll probably find someone who sells it. I've seen fliers on the bulletin boards at a local health/exercise facility posted by people who sell the stuff. Some even offered free samples.

Note: If there are any visitors to this forum who want to contact TwiTzT regarding what he is looking for, please send him a Private Message.

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The topic of Gano was banned because of all the flamming it started. It caused so much infighting that we actually lost members over it. At that point I've permanently banned it. I'd rather ban one subject then loose even 1 member who might have been a regular contributor.
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