Ghirardelli sauces


New member
Jul 13, 2005
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I was curious if anybody has any experience with the sugar free Ghirardelli sauces? I put up the regular recipe against Guittard,Torani, and DaVinci side by side at the exact same time using the same ratios and Ghirardelli out shined the others. (using my particular espresso but Guittard shined in some others I tried.)
Having said that I've now turned my attention to the Sugar Free line and the drop off is significant in the 'others' however I've had no luck even finding the Ghirardelli in sugar free. If someone has seen this line or knows where to get it I'd love to know about it.

have you tried the monin o'free wow there made with splenda and the flavor is almost exact to the regular with almost an undetectable aftertaste
Sugar frees?

Thanks for the reply. As a matter of fact I use the O'Free line for Hazelnut and Vanilla which is awesome however the Chocolates (dark and white) there is a fall off, sadly. I offer samples and get feedback from my clients and it's noticeable enough to worry aboutand avoid.

Has anyone had any experience with the Mont Blanc line? Sugar Free? How about a sugar free powder someone likes out there?

Oh and is it just me or does anyone else have problems getting info/ help from Guittard? It's like you have to threaten bodily harm to get some help, info, or samples from them!
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