Giving "the sit downs a run for their money" doesn't mean much, most sit downs serve swill.
So it depends who you're comparing it to.
The problem with drive thru, is their focus is speed, efficiency, volume and while many do take the time to learn how to pull an excellent shot, their focus is not on the coffee. The result of the drive thru is:
1) people who are going somewhere, whether it's driving or walking are focused on going somewhere, there focus is not on the coffee, they are not there to enjoy that cup of coffee, latte, etc. They are there to enjoy a cup of coffee, latte, what-have-you.
2) The tiny hole in the plastic lid does not allow for the aromatics to come through and that is a vital part of the taste of the coffee, as much taste begins with smell.
3) The tiny hole does not allow for the coffee to properly coat your tongue, it only comes out in a tiny flow pattern as compared to the larger, wider pattern from a proper ceramic cup.
4) The paper adds a slight off taste and you lose a majority of the mouthfeel you would have had given the same drink in a ceramic cup.
5) Drive thru not capable of serving espresso, macchiatto, con panna, or cappuccino--and that's those are the drinks that reflect your quality. It's easy to try to hide mistakes inside a latte, but an espresso never lies.
6) You can't sit and enjoy your drink.
7) There's no love in a paper cup.