Great coffee maker, horrible coffee




Here's my dilema:

I have a Cuisinart "Grind & Brew" machine. I live off of Starbucks beans. I have absolutely no luck in making quality coffee in my current machine. I always use 2tbsp. or beans to 6oz. of water that is cold and has been through my brita filter. The result is coffee that tastes over extracted. I just can't figure it out. I waste so much coffee experimenting with this friggin' machine and at $11 per pound it really adds up. :evil:

I prefer Starbucks house blend. I have an old piece of junk Mr. Coffee unit that for some reason, (god only knows) makes a killer pot of coffee. It is very rich and smooth.

Does anyone have any ideas why my new fancy machine makes a cup of brown vinegar? :cry:
Cuisinart Coffee

Dunno 'bout the quality of the coffee, but, oddly, the Cuisinart "Grind and Blend" machines appear to be rather beset with problems, at least, according to what I've read about them at!

Perhaps you also have a lemon of a Cuisinart.
O.K. here is my opion..I have been in the coffee biz since 89...and never owned an electic coffee maker till about 2 months ago. I used it once to make coffee and evey morning to check the time. I paid $18 back in 89 for a french press and still have makes the best coffee in the world!
French Press

I also own a french press. It certainly produces the most consistently excellent fresh coffee I've ever had. It does spoil one as the drip version of coffee can not quite ever measure up!

Go for the french press. The making of coffee will become a manual ritual rivaling the Japanese Tea Ceremony and will bring peace, harmony, and bliss into your existence! (Obviously, I am once again under the influence of excessive french pressed caffeine!) :-D
beanfiend: If you are like me and too lazy to make a "ritual" of brewing some coffee (although french press coffee is really good), go to the Salvation Army, buy a five dollar cheapo drip machine, and then brew two pots of coffee and compare. Could be your machine, could be the coffee. Or just put some coffee in cheesecloth, put it in a pot of water just off the boil, brew, and compare that result with your machine. My brother has a grind and brew, it makes great coffee, so it could be your machine.
Like I have said in the past...I do not like electric coffee makers....anyway how long do the beans sit in the hopper before they are ground and how big is the is best to keep coffee in a airtight container and away from sunlight. just a thought
Like I have said in the past...I do not like electric coffee makers....anyway how long do the beans sit in the hopper before they are ground and how big is the is best to keep coffee in a airtight container and away from sunlight. just a thought