Green bean business


Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2007
Clemmons, NC
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I have tried to find drop shippers for green beans, I have even gotten green beans from the source such as Costa Rica. Except for a nicaragua farm, although they are very fresh and inexpensive the freight costs are prohibitive. I have come to the realization that I will probably have to have inventory and can't do drop shipping with green beans. Are there any distributors on the East Coast? I would be interested in starting with about 25#'s at first. Any suggestions?
If you haven't already, check ebay stores. I home roast and get beans from ebay, and there are a few merchants out there I trust to send me a fresh product, and that's pretty much who I go with. The shipping isn't outrageous, and it's an auction so you can pay as little as they'll let you as far as product goes.
Trusted suppliers


Would anyone know of or recommend a supplier of green beans. I am looking for a supplier to provide me with about 1000-1500lbs per month.
when you say you are looking to buy 1,000 to 1500 lbs every month is that full bags or are you looking to get split bags? If you are looking for full sacks then I can point you to a few brokers