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Mar 9, 2011
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Do you all drink your coffee's straight up (e.g. no cream/sugar)? I're referring to Technivorm owners. Filtered drip coffee connoisseurs. :)
Technivorm owner here... actually I have two.

Like milk and sugar in my coffee.


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Just ordered my Technivorm KBT741 this morning. Along with a Baratza Virtuoso grinder. Some Kenyan AA, Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona Fancy. Medium roasted. Hopefully I'll get them late this week or early next. :)

Was curious how "experienced" coffee drinkers took their Technivorm brewed coffees. I prefer cream and sugar too. Not sure if I've ever had a cup black.

Also, while I'm still waiting for the missing "outlet pipe" to be sent (should get it tomorrow), I have to say I'm surprised TV is selling carafe's without a spout. I mean their supplier should surely have thermal carafe's w/ spouts.

Will see how it goes when everything is up and running. I did spot a "compatible" thermal carafe from Boyd's Coffee in the US w/ spout. Might end up order it. :)
I've been trying to wean myself off of sugar slowly but surely but still have to use some. I would say I'm a "1 teaspoon" of sugar and 2 creamers type of guy.... sometimes I have to put that extra teaspoon of sugar in there though.

Lately though I've been fond of using flavored (and sugared) creamers so I'm not sure what the exact amount is in that instance.
fascinating. when i joined this forum, i was wondering how people would drink their coffee, and hoped to not be looked down upon because i drink it with about a tablespoon of half and half.
i'll drink it black, but only when i run out half and half.
i don't use sugar at all; don't even keep any in my apartment. weaned myself from that long ago, though i do occasionally have a candy bar.
fascinating. when i joined this forum, i was wondering how people would drink their coffee, and hoped to not be looked down upon because i drink it with about a tablespoon of half and half.
i'll drink it black, but only when i run out half and half.
i don't use sugar at all; don't even keep any in my apartment. weaned myself from that long ago, though i do occasionally have a candy bar.

I wish I had your willpower... Right now I'm digging this flavor additive: Products - Pumpkin Spice Flavor | COFFEE-MATE®

I add cocoa and 'simple syrup' (raw organic sugar and some steam boiler water) to make a mocha, but otherwise it's straight up americano, or s'pro as my drink o' choice. :)
Gotta have a good cream in my coffee. I use CF Burgers half & half. Heck, I just had a bowl of oatmeal latte flavored with nuts .. yumm. Dark chocolate is my other *addiction*. I just bought a container of Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa to add to whatever besides baking, combined with a touch of coffee :heart:

Another way to enjoy a pot of seasonal Pumpkin Spice Coffee ... buy a jar of Pumpkin Pie Spice from your grocer. Sprinkle about between a teaspoon-tablespoon on the grounds and brew.
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My mother, sister, and I all use the same beans and method, so if the cup comes from one of us, I drink it black. (I'll also drink it black if I have a cup from the place that roasts the beans I use.)

If it's someone else's coffee, I'll usually have to doctor it with cream and sugar, or just not have any.