It's amazing how many drive thru builders there are out there isn't it? First of all where are you located? You will have to also consider the cost to have this unit shipped on top of the cost of structure. Then permiting costs, etc., etc., etc.
esreverpsychology, I'm going to have to disagree with your point about buying a fixer upper 8) If you are going to start up a business you need to do it right from the start and not cut coners. Those that build these units are knowledgable about health department requirements, building inspectors requirements, etc. Besides if you put one together yourself and don't know the regs, you've not only wasted money, but also valuable time. I would advise you to do your home work and narrow down your decision based on being able to speak with some of their customers without them calling and coaching the customers what to say. If there are some of their customers local to you, then go out and actually visit these locations and see them for yourself. There is a big difference in seeing a showroom model and one that's been on site for a year or so. This will attest to the true performance of their product. Just my thoughts. I would say the same would apply for your coffee roaster as well as who you choose to purchase equipment from.