Help finding an office coffee machine?


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Jan 19, 2007
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Hi. I''ve searched the forums for awhile for recommendations but haven''t been able to find what I''m looking for. Hope you don''t mind me simply posting a new topic.

I work at an office with about 15 employees. We have had a traditional drip Mr. Coffee pot forever. Well, this morning, it broke. Now we have a staff emergency on our hands as you might understand. Being the manager, I''m currently under the gun to get a new machine in here asap. ;)

Anyway, we realize it''s time for an upgrade and have some requirements as well as some \"wishes\" for the new machine. I''m hoping the community here might be able to point me in the right direction.

- It must brews a whole pot. No single cup machines. Our business is fast paced and the employees don''t always have the time to setup and brew their own cup. We pour and go.
- Auto-shutoff if there is a pot. No one can remember to shut off the machine and the pot gets burned. There must be an auto-shutoff mechanism.
- Price - The budget for this is probably less than $100. I could go to $200 if it was worth it.

Wish List:
- Caffeinated & Decaf both available. Is there a pot that could brew both at the same time? We have been pouring a caf pot into a carafe and then making a decaf pot....etc. But this requires a time and a good memory as to what you just brewed when you come back 15 mins later.
- Pot-less - I''ve looked at that Cuisinehart 12 cup model where it stores the entire 12 cups in a resevoir and you dispense a cup at a time. That would be great except you can''t have both caf & decaf available.

I have considered getting 2 of the Cuisineharts and just put them side by for caf, one for decaf. Do they make something like this that is all in one?

- No Espresso needed
- We are not coffee connoisseurs. Doesn''t have to be too fancy.

Anyway, thanks for any suggestions you can give. My staff will thank you too. :)
a little help

What you are looking for is a double-hopper home brewer. I don't recomend them. Get two or just fire all the people drinking decaf and save yourself 50$.
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LOL. I'd do just that too if my boss wasn't one of those that drank the decaf sometimes. Thanks for the thought though.

I took a look at those double hoppers and had trouble finding one over $1000 anyway. Heh.

Having two side by side might be the way to go. Only problem is the lack of space available. Hmmmm...