Help generating traffic to online store


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
Visit site
Hey guys,

We have been custom roasting 100% Class 1 Specialty Grade gourmet beans for a few years now for local customers and espresso stands. Recently we upgraded our site from just an info type site into an e-commerce site. Im having trouble getting into Google and Yahoo. All our sales are coming strictly from Googles Adwords program. Its been about 6 weeks since we put our site up and im still not seeing us in Google or yahoo (except for Craigslist cached pages). Ive used Trafficzap's search engine submitter and Submit Express's URL submitter about 6 weeks ago as well and im still not popping up in search engines. Anyone have any suggestions? We really wanna get the ball rolling with online coffee sales. We know we have a killer product and now its just a matter of trying to get into peoples cups and letting them taste the difference. thanks a million fellas!

Seattle LIVE! Roast Coffee
The best I can say is be patient and pay your dues. All of us that are roasters know things don't happen over night, the same applies when doing a business on line. You'll find that most here may not offer you a response to these type of questions. They do have a B2B thread, you may find better luck asking there.
There are a ton of reasons why... but most likely you are not using your Adwords very well.

Have you looked into Overture? I'd use Google and Overture. It's a trial-by-error process to get the campaigns right. Google's software works almost instantly.

Work on your keywords and descriptions. I tried to search for you and your site didn't come up.

I run my own bowling ball e-commerce site.

I've removed all advertising for now, but my ads were very high visibility and I used Google Adwords and Overture.

Best of luck!
First you may have the right mind but i'll take a moment to remind you to review forum rules (especially our rules) as a great start, particularly the ones regarding URL dropping in signatures.

3. Signing your name is allowed, however URL dropping in signatures is disallowed and will be removed.

It's already been removed.
Try link exchanges also.
It is slower but works.
Good luck!

datazing said:
Hey guys,

We have been custom roasting 100% Class 1 Specialty Grade gourmet beans for a few years now for local customers and espresso stands. Recently we upgraded our site from just an info type site into an e-commerce site. Im having trouble getting into Google and Yahoo. All our sales are coming strictly from Googles Adwords program. Its been about 6 weeks since we put our site up and im still not seeing us in Google or yahoo (except for Craigslist cached pages). Ive used Trafficzap's search engine submitter and Submit Express's URL submitter about 6 weeks ago as well and im still not popping up in search engines. Anyone have any suggestions? We really wanna get the ball rolling with online coffee sales. We know we have a killer product and now its just a matter of trying to get into peoples cups and letting them taste the difference. thanks a million fellas!

Seattle LIVE! Roast Coffee
search egine rating

The number one thing is a link exchange prgram or buy incoming links to your site as text ads on other high rating sites of PR 5 and above. With out go incoming links google will not even look at you. You can get a good rating on with out a lot of links. So make sure your pages are SEO.
