Help me please!!


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Dec 11, 2010
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As I am the only coffee drinker in the house, I'm looking for a machine to brew a good cup without breaking the bank. I have been looking at the K-cup machines since they only brew a single cup at the time, but I'm confused by the reveiws I have read. Some claim the machines are great, some claim that they are junk. Any suggestions?
I have talked to several owners of the Keurig machines. Most seem to like the convenience, consistency, versatility and most say the coffee from them is quite good. Haven't heard the word "great" used for these machines, but I guess "good" is enough for the masses.

I don't know what the differences are between the lower-higher ends of the spectrum, may just be programmable features and that sort of thing.

One thing to note is that Braun is about to introduce the Brewbot, which looks to be a very versatile single brewing machine based on their Tassimo platform... ... -discs.php

Might be worth a look into the latest/greatest.

I do agree these machines are a good option for those interested in brewing on a smaller volume scale and don't care for having a grinder, keeping fresh beans onhand, etc. But don't expect mind blowing coffee from them either. Later!
Thanks shadow, I'm still weighing options. The problems I have with the single brew machines is the amount that they brew, My travel mug is 20 oz. I have a 30 min drive to work so I like a BIG cup to last the drive. The single brews usually top out at 9.25 oz. so I have to brew TWICE to get a cup to get to work with. I have also read the reveiws on the Keurig machines and one of the biggest complaints was they work great for about two months then start short cupping. For that kind of money I expect good service from it. So I'll keep shopping around. Thanks for the imput.
The "short cupping" noted after a few months of use is probably due to scale buildup on/in the flowmeter.

A french press or manual pourover would be great low cost options. Those would allow you to brew the capacity you want. All you would need to go with either of them would be a decent grinder, fresh beans and a hot water source (near boiling point). Later!
Sometimes it so disappointing to buy a low quality coffee machine, usually this machine are sold at cheaper prices but urns out to be very good but only for a limited time.
I once bought such machine for my restaurant and got the worst disappointment, that's when I choose to buy mine this company, and they offered huge discounts. I have used the machine for several year and still working like a new one.
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (?)

Hi there, I know how it feels to be a coffee lover. Having a brewer at home can be such a treat. I understand as well that you don't want to spend that much. I don't know if you have heard about the Tassimo Brew Bot, but this is an amazing brewer! You should give it a try.
Check out this website as you can get a 50 dollar discount and free

(site made me delete Cynthia's URL from my quote because I only had three posts. Cynthia who is shilling for Kraft Foods posted the URL with her first post. I smell chemical cheese)

It it worth checking it out!
Good luck

Wow Cynthia! Hawking a coffee machine by Kraft Foods and using their synthetic <<MAC & CHEESE >> as a reference point takes real cajones.

I own the Keurig Special Edition B60. Legendary machine, that is. I am thinking about investing in a Tassimo brewer as well. Bit I don't know if I wanna stray too far from my Keurig. I love that thing so much.

If you do get the Keurig, you can get the My K-Cup as well, which allows you to brew your own blend. Really saves money too. I have bought 2 of the My K-Cups because I thought my first one was defective because it leaks, but it turns out that it is a design flaw. I have 2 fixes for that too (Tin foil, or rubber gasket) and it fixes it no problem-o.

My opinion, get the Keurig B60. Awesome machine bar-non. I don't have experience in Tassimo or very many of the other single-cup brewers, so I can't really give you a review there... Hope that helps! :)
I know some people don't want the mess/hassle of grinding/brewing for their daily cup(s) and the single serve units offer convenience/repeatability/versatility, but the difference in taste texture is night/day based on my experience. Grinding FRESH coffee and brewing right away is leaps and bounds over ANY single serve machine I've seen in use yet. And I have NO idea how Keurig calls their hot chocolate that... It's really anything but hot chocolate.
I know some people don't want the mess/hassle of grinding/brewing for their daily cup(s) and the single serve units offer convenience/repeatability/versatility, but the difference in taste texture is night/day based on my experience. Grinding FRESH coffee and brewing right away is leaps and bounds over ANY single serve machine I've seen in use yet. And I have NO idea how Keurig calls their hot chocolate that... It's really anything but hot chocolate.

Ugh. No kidding... It's like water with a hint of chocolate flavoring. And if you don't brew over 8 or 9 ounces, then most of the chocolate mix becomes sludge at the bottom of the filter. Yuk!
pourover. there's a new word for me, and i guess that's what i do. thanks for that.
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