Help programming Sharp ER410 cash register


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Oct 11, 2005
Pawling, NY
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Hi everyone - I bought a Sharp ER410 cash register off eBay and bravely said I would program it myself. Well, the manual is like reading another language -- has anyone had experience with this? Do you really have to program in an entire tax chart to get it to automatically figure tax on items? Seems ridiculous! Thanks,
Betsy :)
Betsy, I think you can put a percentage for each department or for each key pad and the register will calculate the tax, subtotal and total for you. You don't need to imput the entire tax chart. It took me about an hour to program my register. It's not hard, just not user friendly. Baking on the other hand is hard.
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cash register programming

|Baking on the other hand is hard."

...NAH baking is easy!! I did figure out how to program in the tax rate without doing the entire chart, thankfully. Still, I spent way too long on it and it's still not entirely right. I've paid $25 for an hour of tech support and will take advantage of that to shorten my learning curve. Thanks for responding,
Betsy :)