Help with our new Diedrich IR-12


New member
Sep 21, 2004
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Dear All,
I wonder if someone can help me. We're a coffee roasting company in China. Now we have just purchased a new Diedrich IR-12 from America. WE find that the sound in the blower is very high ,please advise me if it is normal? We also find that there's a lot of chauff in the exhaust duct, how about this? Can anyone who has experience in Diedrich roaster help me? With best regards.

Hi Cynthia:

I too have a Diedrich IR24. As for the sound of the impeller fan,if it sounds like a high blowing sound that is normal especially if your roaster is brand new. Does it sound like it's a rubbing noise, a high pitched scream, if so, then your fan may be rubbing against the fan plate. Do you have an after burner? If so, then the chaff is designed to go from the roaster through the after burner via the duct where is should burn right up without any trace of chaff. Remember the chaff will fall anywhere there is an opening, like below the cooling tray, the compartment below the cooling tray, and some times below the drum. If it's below the drum, then the gap in the drum needs to be adjusted. Other than that, it is normal to collect the chaff, always remember to clean and vacuum after each and every roast. Believe me I've learned to keep a good maintance program. Depending on how much you roast will depend on how often you break down the entire roaster including the impeller fan and clean all of the build up. You'll be much happier.

I hope this helps. :D
The amount of chaff varies depending on what type of beans you roast. 8)

Did you get this resolved? Are/is the ducting designed a straight as possable? How is air flow? How long is the run? How many turna nd such?
I hope you figured this out already though..
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