Help with Spidem Trevi


New member
Mar 29, 2005
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I know its not the best machine but its all i can afford right now. I dont know whats wrong with it.. it wont brew espresso. I do everything right. Some times it will just sit there and then the portafilter just blows off and coffee goes every where. If some one could help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate it.
I've had a Spidem Trevi Plus for about 3 years before I upgraded to a Divina and once in a while the Trevi would pop like yours. The only difference is that the plus model has is the built in grinder.

Usually this occurs if your beans are ground too fine. Also if you're filling your portafilter to the rim with coffee, then that's too much. If you haven't tried this, get a less fine grind and don't fill the portafilter to the rim. In addition, when you tap it, don't use mega force to cram the grinds together. Doing so will stop the water from flowing causing a build up in pressure.... isn't it fun cleaning up when this thing blows? :)

BTW- It's not a bad machine at all. I still think my Trevi plus makes a very good espresso and it never has given me any problems. I keep mine as a back up when my SuperAuto breaks down.

Report back what you find out.

BTW- then the portafiler blows, make sure to clean the group head very well. Unplug you unit from the AC and ever so slightly rinse the grouphead with water. Don't put the unit directly under the water. Do so will get H2O inside which would be bad.....very bad.....

Take care,
I was just wondering.. does your's have a little metal ring inbetween the inside of the portfilter and basket?
Not sure exactly. Can you post a picture of what your referring to? Or email me.

I'm pretty certain I don't have any extra metal rings. Are you doing PODS? Is that it?

Ok.. if you take the grounds holder there a metal ring inside the portafilter?
I triead adjusting the grind setting and guess what???? IT WORKED!!! thank you soo much for your help i greatly appreciate it.

doleeo said:
Ok.. if you take the grounds holder there a metal ring inside the portafilter?

Yes, it's a tension spring. Per instructions, don't push the basket straight onto the spring. Rotate as you push in.

I've been grinding at "7" and putting 7 grams in the basket per single shot.
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