S Staisha New member Joined Mar 12, 2005 Messages 1 Reaction score 0 Mar 12, 2005 #1 What is the pump ratio for mochas 8oz 12oz 16oz 20oz 24oz ?????
N NordstromCoffee New member Joined Jan 22, 2005 Messages 57 Reaction score 0 Mar 13, 2005 #2 We use hersheys syrup and add... 2 pumps for 12oz 3 for 16oz 4 for 20oz Hope that helps
T t3hjoon New member Joined Mar 6, 2005 Messages 17 Reaction score 0 Mar 24, 2005 #3 everyone has their own personal preferences. i have people coming in and asking for half of the usual amount.
everyone has their own personal preferences. i have people coming in and asking for half of the usual amount.
V VivaBarista New member Joined Apr 8, 2005 Messages 8 Reaction score 0 Apr 8, 2005 #4 This has been my experience with Guittard chocolate sauces: 12oz .75-1 pump 16oz 1.25-1.5 pumps 20oz 1.75-2 pumps You can always ask the customer if they want it really sweet or mildly sweet. The better the quality of the chocolate, the less you have to use. vb
This has been my experience with Guittard chocolate sauces: 12oz .75-1 pump 16oz 1.25-1.5 pumps 20oz 1.75-2 pumps You can always ask the customer if they want it really sweet or mildly sweet. The better the quality of the chocolate, the less you have to use. vb