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May 3, 2016
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Hi I have no intention of violating any terms and condition for this forum but I'd like to share to you a new coffee brand which we developed. I'm from Ohio, but our lineup of coffee came from Vermont and it's called Dr. Danger Coffee. it is owned by Dr. Bob Arnot. I won't post any link but we are selling our coffee at Amazon, you may order and have a try. Thank you so much coffee forums for this wonderful opportunity.
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Hi Ensoluna, thank you for your response. Unlike the other coffees you may find at Amazon we are leaning towards coffee as a healthy option. Our premium select coffee beans are subjected to the most rigorous analysis in a top analytical chemistry lab. In there we measured the phenols, the ultimate marker of quality, taste and health benefits for coffee. Phenols also help cut the tremendous amounts of oxidants and inflammation that is produced during exercise improving workouts and recovery especially for people who have a physically active lifestyle.

We made our coffee an especially lean coffee with less sugar and fats than most. This is designed to give you a tremendous boost in your performance in a coffee that’s just plain fun to drink. I hope I answered your questions. If only I’m allowed to post links I would but I don’t want to take advantage of this generous space you’ve given me to sell our product. As you know we are fairly new out there. Again, thank you. :)
I get it. so you are selling this Dr.Danger coffee as "healthy option", A marketing tactic that you are using. Specially, I can see that you are using "phenols compound" which is basically parts of chlorogenic acids that are antioxidants. Researchers "believe" that this can protect body from cellular damage and even from certain types of cancers.


these are the photos and claims that I have posted here from your Amazon sales site. I must say it is quite interesting marketing scheme for selling roasted coffee.
it says that THIS COFFEE SCORED REMARKABLE 96% of phenols in your coffee to help our health.
however, did you know that as you roast your green coffee beans, you are losing phenols/ chlorogenic compounds? Below is a chart (scientifically proven).

as you can see, even as green coffee, Panama green coffee (even before roasting) has about 85mg of this compound. how can you explain that your coffee (I am sure they are roasted coffee) can have 96% of phenols? And what is 96%? 96% of what? I am assuming that 96% of what green coffee bean has?

in your posting, you mentioned that : We made our coffee an especially lean coffee with less sugar and fats than most.

what is Lean coffee? Less sugar and fats? Are you talking about a steak? or roasted coffee?
I do not think that I understand this. Can you explain?

PS: by the way, I work in Guatemala, selling several different varietals of green coffee to overseas buyers. what I am getting from Amazon site on your coffee and what you are telling me is..... probably the most "shocking & intriguing" coffee facts that I have ever encountered in my life. So, I would like to know more about it.
thanks in advance.
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Hi I have no intention of violating any terms and condition for this forum but I'd like to share to you a new coffee brand which we developed. I'm from Ohio, but our lineup of coffee came from Vermont and it's called Dr. Danger Coffee. it is owned by Dr. Bob Arnot. I won't post any link but we are selling our coffee at Amazon, you may order and have a try. Thank you so much coffee forums for this wonderful opportunity.

You have no intention of violating any "terms and conditions" for this forum, and yet your purpose for joining is to promote your commercial enterprise. You don't seem sincere.
hey Doug, AT LEAST, he/she was asking "nicely", for a change... ha ha ha.
I just hoped that people who are promoting this coffee DR.DANGER COFFEE has a slightest idea what coffee is about....
at least they should do some research for heaven sake....
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I'm sorry I never intended for it to be that way. Admittedly, I'm not as much knowledgeable in this area as you are but I will try my best to answer all of your questions. That's also one of the reasons why I joined this forum, so I could learn more from you guys. I appreciate all of your responses. And I'll let you know if we could send you our coffee so you can try it for yourself. :)
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I get it. so you are selling this Dr.Danger coffee as "healthy option", A marketing tactic that you are using. Specially, I can see that you are using "phenols compound" which is basically parts of chlorogenic acids that are antioxidants. Researchers "believe" that this can protect body from cellular damage and even from certain types of cancers.

View attachment 5766View attachment 5767View attachment 5768

these are the photos and claims that I have posted here from your Amazon sales site. I must say it is quite interesting marketing scheme for selling roasted coffee.
it says that THIS COFFEE SCORED REMARKABLE 96% of phenols in your coffee to help our health.
however, did you know that as you roast your green coffee beans, you are losing phenols/ chlorogenic compounds? Below is a chart (scientifically proven).
View attachment 5769

as you can see, even as green coffee, Panama green coffee (even before roasting) has about 85mg of this compound. how can you explain that your coffee (I am sure they are roasted coffee) can have 96% of phenols? And what is 96%? 96% of what? I am assuming that 96% of what green coffee bean has?

in your posting, you mentioned that : We made our coffee an especially lean coffee with less sugar and fats than most.

what is Lean coffee? Less sugar and fats? Are you talking about a steak? or roasted coffee?
I do not think that I understand this. Can you explain?

PS: by the way, I work in Guatemala, selling several different varietals of green coffee to overseas buyers. what I am getting from Amazon site on your coffee and what you are telling me is..... probably the most "shocking & intriguing" coffee facts that I have ever encountered in my life. So, I would like to know more about it.
thanks in advance.

Thank you for your interest.

Our roast technology. Beans are roasted to accomplish several basic tasks. Roasting develops the sugars, aromas and fats in coffee that give it its flavors.
We have carefully engineered roast profiles to extract the highest amount of anti oxidant and anti inflammatory components while just enough to develop these sugars and flavors in coffee that make them such a great joy to consume. These roast profiles include proprietary temperature, speed of temperature ramp up and time of roast to prepare a bean that is perfectly engineered while maximizing the of healthiest ingredients for you and minimizing those which may inhibit these benefits.

We have carefully roasted our beans in 10 degree increments to look for temperatures which preserved the maximum amount of antioxidants and still delivered great flavor Taste Engineering: Consumer experience with healthy products is that they often don’t taste very good. Think back to the first generation soggy healthy cereals loaded with fiber and weird natural sweeteners! So coffee too has long been sold on taste alone as opposed to benefit. In fact there are entire taste testing laboratories dedicated to finding the perfect cup. However, using our taste technology, we are able to get even closer to the perfect taste, aroma, body and flavor for an out of this world brew while also delivering the maximum health benefits. The closer you come to perfection in growing and processing beans, the better the coffee tastes . :)
That is okay. as long as you are willing to learn and be very courteous, that is an excellent trait of character. I am very willing to help you as much as I can.
here are my questions about your coffee.
if possible, please find out and post it back for us.

1. did you come up with this absurd and comic marketing tactic? or someone else did? if so, why?
because below description of your coffee is like selling energy pills rather than coffee.
And by the way, Phenols in coffee is NOT ULTIMATE MARKER OF QUALITY, TASTE..ETC

  • DrDanger hard core is the perfect fuel for training and competition
  • It delivers smooth, buzz free energy and big benefits from delicious scientifically selected beans
  • We measured phenols, the ultimate marker of quality, taste and big benefits
  • When you need nerves of steel and all day endurance, reach for DrDanger
  • To go faster, harder and longer, try DrDanger

2. after you roast and pack, how long is the expiration date for your coffee?
3. In your other description, you mentioned that "spectacular taste", so would you give us "cupping note" for each coffees you are selling? (if you are not sure what is cupping note, please check other well known specialty coffee websites)
4. "hard-core" coffee you are selling, I can see that you got 92 points from Coffee review 2016. can you post a link or contents of that review?
5. by the way, thanks for offering to send me some of your coffee to try out, but I will pass at this time. Anyway, thanks for offering.
Personally, I'll take Kopi Lewak over Dr. Danger...at least we know where the coffee has been. With all these claims that they seem to pull out of their kiesters, I'm almost positive something is being done to the coffee post-roasting, and that disturbs me.
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Personally, I'll take Kopi Lewak over Dr. Danger...at least we know where the coffee has been. With all these claims that they seem to pull out of their kiesters, I'm almost positive something is being done to the coffee post-roasting, and that disturbs me.

Perhaps you'll find this helpful. It's our seed to cup video.


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links considering I'm very new to the forum. But I plan to stick around and read other threads. So far I'm learning a lot. To answer the previous replies, no I didn't came up with the marketing. Haha. But I do believe with the claims as they're scientific. And I respect your opinions. :)
well. I watched the video.
I am totally convinced now....
I am convinced that Dr. Danger coffee is really not for me and most of real coffee people.
by the way, please stick around to learn more about coffee.
then, you will know why I am totally convinced that the Danger coffee is really dangerous for real coffee people to buy and drink.
well... at least your posting is getting a lot of hits. Hopefully some of them bought off some of your coffee from Amazon.com