

New member
Mar 22, 2010
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another contractor is less stumped by roaster installation..

but he says it will be really hot in the room where we roast. even with double wall insulated pipe? heat is a consideration in New Mexico in the summer!
The roaster is an oven of sorts so the drum is throwing off heat. But will it be on for 8 hours a day?
How big is the room?
It will raise the surrounding temp a bit but to a point of sweltering!
I have a large area so I cannot say how much of a difference, but I run mine for about 3 hours and in the summer with the door open I really do not see any difference.
I have 4 roasters from 120 k down to a 2 used to get warm until we put in 2 huge air units dedicated to the roastery only! I used to have a place I roasted for that was a retail environment. I had a 5 kilo roaster and the whole shop was about 500 sq feet including storage. I had no issues with heat. We did have a problem with smoke when we did our French roast would smoke the whole place out! :o
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