How are you supposed to make an americano?


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Oct 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
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I usually put 50% hot water and add 50% espresso on top of it, but was wondering what the traditional/usual way of making it is. 1) how much water to espresso are you supposed to use? 2) Are you supposed to put the hot water or espresso in the mug first?

Thanks so much,
jordan said:
I usually put 50% hot water and add 50% espresso on top of it, but was wondering what the traditional/usual way of making it is. 1) how much water to espresso are you supposed to use? 2) Are you supposed to put the hot water or espresso in the mug first?

Thanks so much,

The mixture is going to depend on the size of the cup. We use 2 shots for our 12oz, 3 for our 16oz and 4 for our 20oz. So, it isn't really 50/50. Instead you add the shots first and then top off with hot water.

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Jackson said:
If you like crema, put the water in first!
Thats why I've been doing it that way! I was just wondering the traditional way to do it.

It's interesting that places use as little espresso as they do. I thought 50-50 is about as weak as I would want to drink it.
You're going to find that traditionally (and I mean the Italian way) an Americano is a single shot of espresso with 6 to 8 ounces of hot water, so you'd use two shots in a 12oz, 2-3 shots in a 16oz and 3-4 shots in a 20oz.

Obviously some people prefer (myself included) to have double the shots in a drink....
In most places I've worked, it's been custom to put one more shot than what usually comes in that size drink.
ie: if a 12 ounce drink usually comes with 2 shots, the americano gets 3 shots + water.