How does my budget breakout look?


New member
Oct 2, 2004
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I'm really glad I found this forum. I thought I would ask for some input here.

I am spearheading an effort to open a coffee shop which will occupy a corner of our church expansion. About 20x30 or so, we will be able to seat around 40 to 50.

I am claiming roughly half of the total budget for equipment, which amounts to about $5000 that I have to spend. . I thought I would list my anticipated equipment and expenditures on each. I would welcome any input on where you folks feel I am under (or over) funding a particular piece of equipment. Also interested in any glaring ommisions regarding something that will be needed.

Commercial Espresso Machine 1 $949.00 Capresso C1300

Dedicated Espresso Grinder 1 $395.00 Rancilio Rocky Coffee Grinder

Coffee Roaster 1 $185.00 Iroast

Gram Scale 1 $42.00

I guess I am particularly interested in the first three items. My gut tells me I am not spending enough on the roaster. I am having some difficulty finding a roaster that would have a little bigger capacity and a more "commercial" build quality. Again, I have no experience with roasting yet, and I don't mean to sell the I roast short. That's why I'm counting on some input from the field.

Note that there are other items and equipment that I also have to cover with the 5K; I left out the freezer, refrigeration, microwave, and some sound equipment. The mission statement encompasses a broader range of beverages than just coffee, but I am determined to make coffee the hands-down focal point.

I am anticipating that hopefully, our equipment and some practice will far exceed the expectations of our patrons quality wise, and that we won't be taxed to serve a huge number of people, at least at first. My hope, of course, is to have this change as word gets out. Ultimately we see this as somewhat of a community fellowship type venue.

Some of you I'm sure are from areas that have a fair amount of culture, and the expectations are undoubtedly higher than they are here. There is nothing even resembling a coffee shop within 30 miles of our location. Culture here is, uh, lacking. Nevertheless, my aim is to pretend like there is a first class coffee shop across the street, and then compete with them.

PS, How do I store green coffee bean, and for how long does it keep?

Sorry for the huge (and somewhat unorganized) post, but I am really needing some guidance and input on this matter of what equipment to purchase.

Thanks list 8) 8)
