How often do you drink coffee?

This discussion depends very much on what you call a cup. The standard cup for coffee is 6 oz. Most cup and saucer coffee cups are 6 oz. Most coffee mugs are 9 oz or 12 oz. Unless you specify the oz. the number of cups you say doesn't mean much. I make about 60 oz of coffee every day and drink it all. That would be 10 coffee cup cups, or 6-7 small mugs or five regular mugs. 60 oz day in and day out.
If you drink coffee too often and consume it every day many times there is no need to worry. If you like drinking a lot of coffee and don't experience side effects, there's no reason to stop drinking it.
For people who enjoy coffee, there's very little evidence of harm and plenty of evidence of benefits.
4-5 cups a day is just normal for most of people.

So, how often you drink coffee?
On average I have around 2-3 cups a day.
I do a pour over (2 cups) in the morning and when I get home from work. On weekends I'll do a cup at lunch. The better my coffee-making gets, the less I feel a need to drink. I used to drink more than a pot a day and now I'm at about 3-4 cups most days.
. The better my coffee-making gets, the less I feel a need to drink.
I think there is a lot too this. Drinking coffee is more than just the coffee in the mouth. All the physical activity, like a ritual, is something we crave. Pouring from a carafe and chugging it down can leave one unsatisfied and craving a second or third or fourth. But measuring, grinding, pouring, all that careful activity is a kind of satisfaction itself, and so by the time we drink what we just made we are more satisfied.

Similar to when we eat ribs by hand, we are more satisfied than when scarfing down a hamburger, and then crave a second burger. Cutting, separating, and fiddling with the ribs, maybe dipping in sauce, adds to the satisfaction.

It is a strategy in weight loss, to eat food that takes many steps to prepare and eat - we spend more time interacting with the food and so we are more satisfied with less food.

Well I think so anyway.
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as soon as I wake up at 3 to 3:30am. Keep me regulated and UP for few hours of study in the morning. After that, I grab another cold brew when I study Spanish via Skype with my Spanish teacher in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
How often or how much?

I drink coffee almost continuously throughout the day. Always a cup at my side.

I have measured and it is roughly 60 oz per day, a little more a little less. It depends.
it's great to know there's ample evidence supporting the perks of our coffee habits
And besides, it tastes great, and their is that blast of happiness, and its totally legal, socially acceptable, downright cultured.
I drink a half pot, up to a pot a day.

Coffee of choice is Farmer Brothers. (I like 100% Arabica.)

And also enjoy a Starbucks Café Mocha once or twice a week. In the summer months, it's a Java Chip Frappuccino.

Edit. Modifying my response to add a Starbucks venti peppermint Cafe Mocha ever day.
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I drink between 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day. But, I'm drinking either moka pot, or Turkish, or Phin made coffee, and a few others too, but those three are the strongest methods that I use. So a 1/2 of cup from one of those three is like 1 1/2 to 2 cups of drip depending on which of the 3 makers you're comparing to.
I just did a self audit, and I still drink roughly 60 more or less oz a day.
I drink between 4 to 10 ounces a day. But it's the strong stuff, Cafelat Robot espresso, Turkish, Phin, Moka Pot type of coffee in the morning, but if I have one for lunch then I mellow it down to pour over using a Kaletta Wave, Hario Switch, French Press, or AeroPress.

All of that sounds like a lot of crazy ways to make coffee, but I get bored with just one type of coffee all the time. At some point I might to look into a Neapolitan coffee maker. I thought about a percolator maker but that one there's more watching involved, and the coffee I have had out of large percolators have not been great, so at this time I probably won't get one, but GSI Outdoors does make a 3 cup maker that's cheap enough where I might want to explore it later.
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