I'm in the process of building a business plan for a coffee shop. We want to roast but don't know what size roaster would be appropriate. We're going into a brand new strip center. 1200/sq.ft. with a drive-thru. This is an underserved area with emerging retail. No coffe shops in the area - none within a 20minute drive in any direction. Two grocery stores less than 5miles away. Neighbors are sports bar and grille, c-stores, several banks, a sonic, a doctor's ofc. Less than five miles away is mature, established retail - fast food, grocery, gym, hair, dry cleaner, banks, the whole bit. Median income is above 70K annual. We're on a key intersection leading to town, and the interstate that goes to the downtown professional area. According to the traffic counts, 37,500 cars go through the intersection each day. We'll be open 7 days a week. There are three big churches within a two mile radius. We figure we'll get slammed on Sunday afternoons! Any idea on how to calculate what size roaster we'll need? I figure on about 700 customers a day @ an average sale of $3.50 each. Then I thought maybe 1131 pounds of whole bean sales per month. I've guessed at about 55 pounds a day. Am I crazy with these numbers or am I in the ball park?
Topher - looks like you're the roasting god - totally impressed with your pics. Any opinion on the above?
Topher - looks like you're the roasting god - totally impressed with your pics. Any opinion on the above?