I love coffee

your work mates don't understand anything they are missing about on alot of stuff really , make them start with flavors they'll probably love it
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I am up to my neck in morons.

People in my office: "We don't like coffee", "if i'm going to have a coffee I want milk and 2 sugars", "I don't taste the difference between that coffee and this coffee, they all taste the same", "I prefer Nescafe Gold, it's easier on my stomach".


I sit here with a cup of 'Taylors of Harrogate - Lazy Sunday blend' just wishing and praying that I could be on the side of Blue Mountain in Jamaica alongside one of the most recognised coffee plantations in existance, breathing in the fresh air, smelling the aroma from the freshly OFF THE PLANT bean being roasted by experienced and wise roasters.

I want to be amongst good hearted Mexican farmers dedicated to making their coffee the best it can be allowing me to participate in the hard but rewarding labour of upkeeping the crops and picking the most fantastic fruit I have ever known to exist.

I want to feel my hand delve into the depths of a pile of freshly roasted coffee beans and dreaming of what the coffee will taste like.

I want to be with people who sip coffee and talk about it for hours.

I want to be with people who understand that a good.. fresh.. cup of freshly ground coffee with NO SUGAR, NO MILK and no annoying, frustrating and damn right AGHHHH stupid design on the side of the cup is the best cup of coffee you can have.

I don't want caramel, I don't want chocolate, I don't want ice.. I WANT A FRESH CUP OF coffee served by someone who knows what the hell they are doing....

So here is my announcement...

I LOVE COFFEE... someone please save me from this wretched un-coffee-educated place.

Coffee is an art, it is a lifestyle.. I just wish it was my lifestyle :(

:shock:You're a nut!!! A passionate nut...
but a nut, nonetheless!

Oh, and you may want to switch to decaf.:razz:
You think that is bad... HAHA! You should come to my work place, they think gourmet coffee is Folgers in a drip! Mention french press to the wrong person and you might get slapped with a sexual harassment charge! They drink their coffee from an instant packet that says Nescafe on the side with hot water from the water cooler. I suggested that we buy a big press and all pitch in for some good coffee and a grinder... you could hear crickets!

Sometimes you just have to give up, some people don't want to be saved!
It's difficult to imagine using a French Press at work.

I bet they thought you were speaking a foreign language at that point. I can understand how the only sound you heard was chirping crickets outside in the distance!

Depending on how big the crowd is, you could always bring in some good coffee and make it in their drip coffee maker. It isn't a perfect solution, but it may awaken their tastebuds a little. When they say "Wow, this is good" you'll know you're getting somewhere. It's best to take baby steps when trying to educate people.

And. . . it's okay to just let them enjoy their Folgers. It may not be worth the energy and expense to try to convert them.

Sad thing is that they dont even have a drip machine here! It is all about the instant. Not that instant is bad I have a recipe that I got off YouTube using instant coffee, sugar, and milk that is nice in a pinch...

take the desired amount of coffee and add a little amount of milk (half and half or cream is quite nice also) better to use small amount of milk as you just need enough to wet the coffee, whip and add desired sugar. Whip mixture until creamy and all solids are dissolved. You can add a little more milk but you want the mixture thick. I then add the boiling water and top off with more milk.

when I saw this on YouTube I laughed it off, then when i tried it (all I had was instant in the house) It was good I am not sure why the process works but I liked it and it made the instant bearable! I have had instant with milk and sugar and it does taste different when you blend it like that... I know its off topic but any ideas why?
I am a true believer in good coffee and the experience that goes along with sharing with others. I also know that some people are just not into coffee.
If your office is mostly made up of folks that want a black-like liquid they can put cream and sugar into, preferably in 30 seconds or less, then let them be.

If you want to bring in your own coffee to enjoy and occasionally share with people, you might get one or two to open their eyes and appreciate this wonderful drink a bit more. Maybe one day they might even indulge in a fine cup at a cafe somewhere. That might be something that they wouldnt have done other wise. That would be great.

Many people just think coffee is coffee and when it tastes funny, you add more cream and sugar.

I bring my own coffee kit with me when I travel or when I go to a friend's home that isnt coffee friendly. It is never a problem as I make a nice cup for myself and share a bit with other people. I am never disappointed because I have proactively made sure I had a good cup for myself. In the process I expose others to quality coffee even so far as a few are now buying better coffee and brewing on their own at home and work. This is great.

Be patient.
Oh...I thought they had a drip machine. Sorry!

Does the instant coffee dissolve in the cold milk when you whip it? How do you whip it?


I think so, I never taste it though to see how far it breaks down. I put the instant coffee and about a teaspoon of sugar in my cup and add just enough milk to get everything wet. I whip it with a fork by hand until it is a thick mass of dark cream. I keep mixing until it is smooth (or my arm gets tiered) then I top with hot water. Sometimes I use cream but it is harder to stir as it is thicker than the milk. Once I add the water I add a little more milk. It is quite good, but not as good as a fresh cup of coffee. It is the only way I can come close to enjoying instant coffee. I usually drink my coffee black and somehow instant black always makes my stomach upset.

Give it a shot sometime its not to bad. I tried to find the video on YouTube and was not successful, but that is how I prepare it.