I need your feedback


New member
Apr 12, 2007
Grand Rapids, MI
Visit site
Im creating a new review site to help people find Mom and Pop cozy sidewalk cafes around their area. I want the system to be rated on five key aspects of each particular cafe. So far I've come up with the quality of the coffee, the ambiance, and the service at each cafe all as important things. I want there to be a five star rating system so I need to know what you guys find to be important at a cafes.

Check out the site, http://www.cozysidewalkcafe.com to start brainstorming. Your help on this one is greatly appreciated. Thanks - looking forward to hearing what you guys like!
If I were trying make a site like that I'd start with three things:

1) How do I categorize the coffee shops (what are their specialties, amenities, products). what kind of customer are they targeting?
2) How could users rate coffee shops?
3) When a user creates an account, what kinds of shoppes, products, amenities, etc do they like?

That way users can search for local shops and you can suggest shops for them.
right now, yes. I know of one local roaster who makes a good living roasting organic and fair trade. On the other hand it may be a fad. I was in a Duncan Donuts last month and they had a little sticker in the window stating their coffee cuppochinos, espressos and lattes are made with coffee that is fair trade. Good thing to identify on a review in any case as well as indicating whether they roast their own coffee.

I agree with tlowing's comments about your web site.

When I first looked at your home page, I immediately thought it was too cluttered. It took a few seconds to figure out what to read first. I have to admit I didn't care for the "pea soup" green background, but I'm sure it grabbed my attention because I don't like the color green.

The next thing that jumped out at me was your statement at the top the page (on the left) which said:

"This sidewalk cafe website is designed only for Firefox and is not tested for Internet Explorer or Safari. Please download Firefox to view the sidewalk cafe site properly."

You may want to re-think that design flaw ... because even though Firefox is becoming popular, there are millions of people who still use Internet Explorer. If a person thinks that he or she has to download and install another browser in order to visit your web site, that person is very likely to close the window and go visit another site. The decision to install another browser should be a well-thought-out decision and not something that a person is forced to do in order to view your web site properly.

By the way, I viewed your web site in both Firefox and Internet Explorer and I didn't have any problems with either of those browsers.

It's very obvious that you put a lot of time and effort into creating your web site. It's a huge project, and you've gotten off to a good start. Keep up the good work. It will be interesting to see how it turns out when you're finished designing it.
