Iced Coffee


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Aug 20, 2006
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Ok i've been getting picky with my coffee lately and i'm not liking how its coming out. Just regular iced coffee, with just a coffee brewer, no blender.
What am i doing wrong? Its either too bitter, or too flat. I normally make like 8 cups, and will put 10 tbsp of coffee, pour some in a cup, add some milk till it looks good, then some sugar. When i first started making coffee, it was fine, now it sucks.

Help :shock:
For iced coffee I use a Toddy. It's a cold brewer, so it takes about 12 to 24 hours to brew a pot of coffee. But it is like espresso, so when you want iced coffee, simply pour a couple of ounces of toddy to ice water. If you want hot coffee, nuke a cup of water for a few minutes, and add a couple of ounces of toddy to it (an Americano). One pot of Toddy could last all week, and it will stay fresh for at least a week in the fridge.

You may be able to find a Toddy cheaper if you shop around!
anyone have any tips that dont involve buying something?
They way I like to do it is to brew some coffee ahead of time. let it cool down some than put it in the fridge.

than pour the cold coffee over ice and mix with milk syrup etc. I espeically like an iced coffee with toasted coconut syrup. YUm.

the worst is when you order an iced coffee, and they take hot coffee and pour it over ice. It makes a sludge.
feltgrape said:
Ok i've been getting picky with my coffee lately and i'm not liking how its coming out. Just regular iced coffee, with just a coffee brewer, no blender.
What am i doing wrong? Its either too bitter, or too flat. I normally make like 8 cups, and will put 10 tbsp of coffee, pour some in a cup, add some milk till it looks good, then some sugar. When i first started making coffee, it was fine, now it sucks.

Help :shock:

Rapid cooling of hot coffee will force the organic soldids to coagulate forming this nasty icky sludge that is definatly not "Good Drinks" =)

Letting it cool and then icing it is the best idea. Brew it hot.. coffee is meant to be made hot. Those cold brewers don't do too well in my opinion and waste space.. just make a load of coffee and be patient. That's if you MUST drink cold coffee. Personally I'd recommend finding a different drink to have cold.. Coffee (like tea) just should stick to being hot.
Should i do two scoops a cup? Let it cool, fill a cup with ice, pour it in then ice melts a little etc.... Then add just add cream/milk and sugar tohowever i like.
Iced Coffee Recipe

Iced Coffee

Make very strong coffee (75% more coffee to water than usual).
Pour 6-8 oz into cup and add about 1 tbs. milk. Stir, then pour over ice.
You'll have to experiment with the strength and milk so you get lots of taste after the ice/water dilutes it.


1/4 cup strong French roasted coffee
1/2 cup boiling water
2 tsp. sweetened condensed milk
Mix the above and pour over ice.
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