Iced drink...correct way to make them?


New member
Sep 2, 2005
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Most places I go to pour the shots directly over ice. I have heard that this is not the correct way to do it as this will "shock" the espresso and make them bitter. Which is the right way to make the best tasting iced drink.
I pour my hot coffee in to the milk then add the ice...that way you do not dilute the coffee....
I've tried both over ice first, and then also in the milk first. I agree with Topher on this one: In the milk first.
I read ILLy's manual several weeks ago. They use the espresso storaged in freezer to make the iced drink otherwise it will dilute the flavor of the drink. Pay attention that iced espresso cann't be used the next day.

I do not agree with that.....I would only suggest using fresh shots...not pre-made(YUCK!!!)
The way I make ours, is I first ask the customer if they want "hot shots" or "cold shots"... then I put in the flavor, ice, milk, shots and then lightly stir.... haven't had any complaints and I think it ultimately tastes better....

I prefer using hot shots over cold.... but that's my preference....


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