importing from Papua New Guinea


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Jun 3, 2006
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I grew up in Papua New Guinea where some of the best coffee in the world is produced. My dad is looking at trying to export coffee from Papua New Guinea into the United States. Does anyone know what licenses and costs are required on the US end to do so?

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
Hello Brandonh. Really all you need is someone who knows what they are doing on the PNG end, rather than in the USA. You need to register the exporter at origin with the FDA. All shipments need normal shipping paperwork, plus phyotosanitary certification and ICO paperwork. Not too difficult. In the USa the importer must also register with the FDA. If you need a hand send me an email.

Cheers, Alun
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Alun_evans said:
Hello Brandonh. Really all you need is someone who knows what they are doing on the PNG end, rather than in the USA. You need to register the exporter at origin with the FDA. All shipments need normal shipping paperwork, plus phyotosanitary certification and ICO paperwork. Not too difficult. In the USa the importer must also register with the FDA. If you need a hand send me an email.

Cheers, Alun

Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it.