Indian Coffee Cupping in Seattle with Sherri Johns-Nov 3rd.


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Jun 6, 2005
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Hello all,
We are having an Indian Coffee Cupping with Sherri Johns on November 3rd 2005. All roasters in the seattle area should have recd. invites but if there is anyone who needs more information please contact me and I will forward more information to you.

Hoping to see some of you at our cupping.
Come Savor the Essence of India!

Best Regards,

WOW! that's great! Count me in. Are we cupping your cofee and/or bringing our own? Also can I bring my espresso trailer?
We'll be cupping 8 estate-specific coffees. We will also be sampling some high-grown, shade-grown, washed Robsutas. We will obviously provide all the coffees. All the coffees that we cup are stocked in our warehouse.

See you there. Send me your fax number and I will send you a formal invite.

Best Reagrds,

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