Instructions for Toshiba My Cafe, Model HCD-850


New member
Mar 14, 2006
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Hi! Recently acquired two of these Coffee Makers, both without any info on how they work. I have no pamphlets. Could someone who owns one of these Machines please instruct me on the sequence of the Touch Pad so I could get these working? Thanks for any Help-Mike
miamimike said:
Hi! Recently acquired two of these Coffee Makers, both without any info on how they work. I have no pamphlets. Could someone who owns one of these Machines please instruct me on the sequence of the Touch Pad so I could get these working? Thanks for any Help-Mike

Has any poster here ever heard of these Toshiba units or used one? I was under the impression these were a widely known Unit but from the replies(lack of) I eveidently was mistaken in my assumption. Thanks
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