I agree that the more trained roasters there are, the better for all. More exposure means a better educated buying public, which is where I see a weakness at this point. My limited experience as a home roaster for the past year or so, is that while many people enjoy the coffee you give or sell them, they just do not see or understand the significant difference between fresh-roasted and what they can buy for half the price elsewhere. I mentioned to a friend the other day how relatively cheap that freshly roasted, specialty coffee really is. When I broke down the actual price per cup that it costs to enjoy the best coffee in the world, he realized that is was a much better bargain than, say wine or even soda pop. The majority of the people I share my coffee with have absolutely no idea about any facet of coffee.
I knew that the Roaster's Guild was working on a program, but I do not know much about it at this point and do not see exactly where I would fit into it. I live in a nice college town of about 70,000. There is one small wholesale roaster here, that is all. The opportuinities to work in the industry in an attempt to educate myself just do not present themselves here. I have seriously considered buying a small roaster such as the Diedrich or Ambex 7lb. roaster, setting it up at home, and just teaching myself. Obvioulsy this is not the best solution and goes somewhat against the standardization ideas of the Roaster's Guild, but what other options do I have?
One reason I am pursuing this more seriously is that, at 45 years of age I will soon be forced to change careers due to the exportation of my job to another country. My educational background and work experience are such that they do not lend me many oppurtunities. I have been attending college (business program) full-time for the past year, as well as working a 40 hour a week job. I am trying to prepare for the day my job disappears and the coffee industry is one of the avenues I have been attempting to pursue.
Again, I apologize for stealing your thread!