

Super Moderator
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Aug 14, 2003
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I am taking resumes for a possible roasting position. We originally where thinking of hiring an apprentice. With the growth rate we are at we need someone with experience. If anyone is interested drop me a line. The job would be working with me until I felt comfortable with them...then they would be doing second shift...I am not going to lie or sugar coat this. It is a very physical and demanding job..but it is a great opportunity!
The time is here again....we are looking for someone with experience roasting...I am roasting on a 60 kilo roaster now and we are purchasing a Toper 120, 10 and 2 kilo roaster...Looking for someone responsible to work for me and a great company. If you are interested please send me your resume to
I am glad to see you guys are having such success. You are obviously doing something right. I hope you are able to find the right candidate for the job. Forgive me for intruding upon your search for a moment. I would not have taken up space in your post, but a thought occured to me. I am sure there are plenty of trained roasters out there somewhere, but one reason a post like yours does not get bombarded with replies is probably due to the fact that there are a lot more of us "wannabes" than there are roastmasters. I have been talking to roasters in my area for the past year, hoping one would train me. I have offered to work for free, sign non-competition clauses, etc, etc. Forget it! There is a local roaster who wants to retire soon and he will train me IF I buy his business. It is hard to get into a business if no one is willing to teach you the craft. I have determined that if I want to be qualified to work in the business, for myself or someone else, I am just going to have to teach myself. There, I have that off my chest! Good luck with your search. I did not mean to steal your thread.
Shep you have brought up a good point....It is almost impossible to find people with experience...After I fill this position I am going to start an apprentice program. This company is growing...and we have just started!!!
I think that is a great idea. I know if a program existed near me, I would be very interested. I was just talking to a roaster yesterday about the secretive nature of the business. I understand competition and the need for discretion, but I am more interested in sharing knowledge, not hoarding it.
Shep, the Roasters Guild (part of the SCAA) have been working quite hard at putting a formalised training system together. It is slowly getting there. It will put some standards into a business which actually has very little quantitive measures at present. Of course the problem still will be that you really need to be roasting before you can embark on a programme such as this...but it is a great start. Topher is doing the right thing by looking at starting an apprentice programme. To be honest, teh more trained and disciplined roasters there are working in the specialty coffee field, the better for all of us. We as a group want to be producing great coffee that will ultimatley appeal to more consumers and therefore increase both consumption and interest in coffee generally. In Asia the growth here is fuelled by brands, not fear is branding is a flash in the pan. Consumer demand for coffee is not.
I agree that the more trained roasters there are, the better for all. More exposure means a better educated buying public, which is where I see a weakness at this point. My limited experience as a home roaster for the past year or so, is that while many people enjoy the coffee you give or sell them, they just do not see or understand the significant difference between fresh-roasted and what they can buy for half the price elsewhere. I mentioned to a friend the other day how relatively cheap that freshly roasted, specialty coffee really is. When I broke down the actual price per cup that it costs to enjoy the best coffee in the world, he realized that is was a much better bargain than, say wine or even soda pop. The majority of the people I share my coffee with have absolutely no idea about any facet of coffee.

I knew that the Roaster's Guild was working on a program, but I do not know much about it at this point and do not see exactly where I would fit into it. I live in a nice college town of about 70,000. There is one small wholesale roaster here, that is all. The opportuinities to work in the industry in an attempt to educate myself just do not present themselves here. I have seriously considered buying a small roaster such as the Diedrich or Ambex 7lb. roaster, setting it up at home, and just teaching myself. Obvioulsy this is not the best solution and goes somewhat against the standardization ideas of the Roaster's Guild, but what other options do I have?

One reason I am pursuing this more seriously is that, at 45 years of age I will soon be forced to change careers due to the exportation of my job to another country. My educational background and work experience are such that they do not lend me many oppurtunities. I have been attending college (business program) full-time for the past year, as well as working a 40 hour a week job. I am trying to prepare for the day my job disappears and the coffee industry is one of the avenues I have been attempting to pursue.


Again, I apologize for stealing your thread!

Okay, I'm experienced...even have my own equipment. So, if you'll pay me $75K plus family health/hospitalization, I'll start next week. We'd make an awesome team!

On second thought, giving up Atlanta for that big city in the sunshine state is going to be tough...maybe I should insist on moving expenses to sweeten the deal.
Just a quick update...we are still looking for someone...and...we are moving the company to....drum roll please.....Back to Boca Raton area :D
from what I have have been will be sometime after the first of the year...can't wait...Jacksonville was fun....but ready for some change...Jax is cool and all but it is sooo spread out!
so Diablo...what do you sell?
I sell coffee :D ...I have a coffeehouse and I have a IR-12 in the shop. I got into this business awhile back went I bought a shop with a similar set up. I love roasting and making espresso drinks. I hate cleaning half and half carafe :x .
I miss working in a coffee shop...don't get me wrong I would not want to trade what I do to become a barista again...but do miss it!! You will definately have to come to the roasterey once we are is going to be SICK!!! No Joke....REAL SICK!!! Not only will we have the 60 we have now..but the 120 kilo a 10 kilo and a 2 testing purposes...we will have a mock coffee shop..shut up!! no really a full service coffee shop to play in(not open to public..just for testing purposes!!) Oh well keep in touch :wink:
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