just opened in public library - promo ideas?


New member
Jun 29, 2004
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Greetings! You all have such great ideas I thought I'd see what you thought of my situation and any great promo ideas. We just opened our 3rd shop inside our public library. We have an enclosed room on the main floor - all windows - great visibility...except for the moms who head straight upstairs to the kids section. We'll have signs, posters and table tents throughout the libary, but was looking for any great marketing or promo ideas you may have. There are several banks, acct firms etc within a 2 block raduis and I plan to visit them next week with a plate of scone samples etc.
Opened yesterday - have been well received - looking foward to some great new relationships.
Thanks ahead of time.
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book mark idea

Hey Coffee Guy - love the idea about the bookmark! In fact one of the age groups we're going after is the school age kids - there's a middle school about 1 1/2 blocks from the library it's where the latchkey kids go -much better that on the streets or home alone. They really used our intro coupons for smoothies ets, but then sales dropped. So, a bookmark is a great idea.....will have to think more about it and how to tie it in with a promo. Thanks again!