Kenya Peaberry


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Macon, GA
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I had this bean for the first time this week and it was so bitter and tart that I almost couldn't finish it; I brewed it w/ a tad less grounds this morning and it was better. Is this typically a very bitter/tart bean?
From what I've seen via cupping and also from reading, coffees from Kenya tend to be roasted lighter and also typically have quite a bit of acidity naturally occuring. This is a trait alot of people actually desire in a coffee and true acidity shouldn't be confused with bitterness. I know every single person has unique senses of taste, smell, etc. and it can be quite confusing...

A recent addition to my line, Queen Kong Nyeri AA is a Kenyan Medium plus roast and shows none of these issues. The coffee is smooth and has the taste of dark cherries and grapes with a hint of peppery spice. I only have a limited amount, so I put it in my Black Label section.

I do not know a ton about Kenyan coffees, but I liked the taste of this baby and so I bought some and ME LIKE!

Don't give up on Kenya coffee because you had a bad batch. I'd suggest you try a lighter roasting Kenya. Try it black and somewhat cooled. There is nothing like a well roasted Kenyan with its trademark currant and blackberry flavors.

if you're not roasting your own, don't buy from wherever that was from. If you are roasting, peaberries in general are a bit trickier because of the density and size of the bean. They take a more gentle climb on the last stage than many coffees.
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Thanks for the advice; not sure what level is was roasted to, but the other coffees I've had from this company were good and they are micro-roasted. I only drink black coffee, so I am use to the flavor of acidity and bitterness, but this was simply overwhelming - perhaps it was just a bad batch.
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Here is my tasting experience w/ the Peaberry:

The aroma of the Kenyan Peaberry was very pleasant with a nice burst of raspberry and a citrus zest on the end. It was very sweet on the smell and it was obvious that this would be an acidic bean. On the pour, the aroma was wonderful and complex, with notes of licorice and berry – the aroma was very strong and tart and reminded me of a robust Red wine, perhaps Shiraz.

The flavor on the palate matched the aroma of the bean and the pour, but with an unexpected amount of acidity. Though acidity is preferred by coffee enthusiasts, the amount that I received from this Kenyan Peaberry was too much for my palate. I found this bean more enjoyable with fewer grounds, but it was still too bitter to enjoy. This was a very rigid experience for me and it was remiss of any smoothness.
I am getting some Peaberry from the Up coming Harvest,

BUT Lisa Peaberry make ME want to run over there and
Hang around the Black Label Section, until She makes me Some !!!!!

Rick. ( Help I am going Insane, & on the Way. )