Kerig Coffee Taste


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Jun 16, 2008
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We just bought the Keurig B-60 single shot coffeemaker. Love the design, the ease of brewing. But my wife and I both think the coffee has a very unpleasant undertaste. We switched from tap to bottled water and tried several different kinds of cofee, but didn''t notice any difference We wonder if we may be getting a taste of residue from the plastic resevoir. Or maybe the machine just plan doesn''t make good coffee! Anyone else have this problem with Keurig?
Depends on brand of K-Cup

My wife and I have the same keurig model. Coffee that we pick up in the store have come out decent. The "samples" that were included in the machine did have a bit of an aftertaste, especially the dark roasts. These samples may be old. I still like the machine and in a hurry it makes a good brew.

Do me a favor, if you can get your hands on a cheap manual drip cone, make some coffee with a decent brand and water just of the boil and compare it to the k-cup brew.

My keurig machine is in disuse now and a cone manual drip maker I picked up for a couple bucks is now my maker of choice. :(
You can buy a refillable k-cup filter for the Keurig which allows you to use fresh ground coffee of your choice. My personal favorite for brewing individual cups of coffee is the Finum filter: I use the large one to brew 16oz of coffee in my travel mug or the small one in a 10-12oz mug.
I used K-cups for about a year before I got serious. Never really noticed an undertaste. Always got the "extra bold" K-cups.

New Orleans
What brand of coffee are you using for your Keurig? My favorite is Gloria Jeans. I have found that some of the Green Mountains are a little on the weird tasting side but they have one of the biggest selections to choose from. Although I do need to put in a shameless plug for their Golden French Toast k cup because it is unbelievable!!!! I would tell people not to judge the Keurig by the samples, because samples arn't guaranteed to be completely fresh. If you need any help finding a flavor that is a "perfect match" let me know. I am a hook line and sinker Keurig fan and I think it is God's gift to man kind lol It's even idiot proof which means its perfect for me lmao :mrgreen:

Also where are you getting your k cups from? Maybe we can compare place and see which place is best.... =]
I love my Keurig. I got it on my birthday in December and I use it constantly. In fact I use it so much I started a blog at I usually buy my kcups at Target, but on my site you can buy them and get $10 off any $50 order. ... rig-store/

Use Promo Code KCI and get $5 off your order of $30 or more. Use Promo Code bb to receive $10 off your order of $50 or more.

Love the Coffee Forums! offers the largest selection of single serve Keurig brand K-Cup Coffee & Tea 50 Packs as well as Keurig Brewers. Shop our large inventory with free K Cups shipping.
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