

New member
Nov 18, 2005
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Where can I buy exceptional Kona coffee? I'd like to buy it as a Christmas gift, but don't even know where to begin looking....
Aloha Leigh,

Buy farm direct. It's easy to find farmer/retailers through google, just type Kona Coffee and you'll get back a list of farms in Hawaii that are selling their beans. The prices will be much lower than a coffeehouse or mainland retailer (no middleman) and you get the added benefit of knowing exactly where your beans come from.

If you feel so inclined, check out my website. I just so happen to be one of those farmers...

The Bean Collection

The Bean Collection Coffee offers beautiful Kona Coffee. Please visit the website and let me know if you have any questions. All coffee is roasted to order in small batches and delivered to your door.

[removed by moderator]
what grade is your Kona? I checked out your site...it doesn't specify...is it grade 1, Fancy, or extra Fancy...you might want to talk to someone about your pricing if it is extra fancy...cuz it is real high right now..I haven't seen Kona extra fancy or even fancy for under $20 in years...could it be a blend?
Topher, were you addressing Sabranie or me?

Our Kona is Estate grade, which is a mix of Extra Fancy, Fancy and Peaberry. It's 100% Kona. Estate, by definition of the Kona Coffee Council (which we are a member) means all the coffee is from one farm. Kind of like a boutique winery or microbrew.

And yes our prices our low. We haven't raised them in 3 years, but are looking at doing so soon. From a small-business, farm-direct standpoint, it is difficult to raise our prices because 90% of our customers are regulars who have been with us for years. I'm on a first-name basis with most of them so they feel like family. That makes raising the price tough. Silly, I know, as it is a business. But also a passion.
I was addressing Sabranie...sorry but I read all 5 of her posts...nothing but spam...so no it wasn't directed towards you. I just checked your pricing after reading your post...I understand being in Hawaii you get better pricing...but you understand why I asked Sabranie about hers right? On her webpage it advertises "Kona"...not grade or anything except the characteristics. That is why I asked her. Here Kona is running well over $14 a pound green..
Kona Fancy

The Bean Collection's Kona is 100% Kona Fancy. Thanks for asking!

Sabranie Coyne
The Bean Collection
Re: javaberry

imateacher said:
www.javaberry.com Their Estate blend is equisite. I am going back to order more!!
Javaberry is my favorite last couple of weeks. Beans are of uniform size and not over-roasted what is very important to me. Aroma is special and taste is as smooth as it can be. I like to drink it slowly to feel every sip.
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