Kopi Luwak

I have tried vietnamese Weasel coffee and I remember it tasting like autumn scout camps in Breken in Wales hehe.

I'd like to try Kopi Luwak from Lisa's site but damn I need to get money first. Stupid low paid job.
Tried it and loved it. Tasted thick and musky, just as you would imagine it tasting. Beans came in their parchment, covered in poo.
If that were true, and Customs Officials read that, you could be in for some serious questioning.
If that were true, and Customs Officials read that, you could be in for some serious questioning.

Nothing like going through a TSA pat-down and having poo-covered beans in your possession, haha.

I'm sure that between washing and extreme heat it isn't an issue. Besides, after working in a few kitchens I have learned that the cooking process isn't always as neat and pretty as the resulting dish. If some grossness delivers something great, I say go for it.

One of my artist friends in the Philippines runs a coffee shop that sells it. He speaks the world of it, and I am anxious to try it myself.
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