So what do you want to know, and about which ones?
Lets look at a traditional machine first. Right now there are really only 2 machines that I would go with. The M29 Selectron and the M32 Dosatron. If you’re not limited on space I would suggest the Tall Cup versions. That way you can place small, medium, or large cups under the group if you want to save time making drinks.
The only difference between a M29 and a M32, the M32 comes with a display that allows you to set each button for the groups. This way you can make more accurate shots. It also gives information about your machine cycles, information about each group, and allows for you to set a opening and closing time if you want your machine to shut off and automatically start up in the morning.
If you don't care about the display and want to set your shots by sight, I would suggest the M29 Selectron. It has the same features as the M32 but without the display. Both machines also allow you to change the temperature of the group head. By adding or subtracting a pipe you can increase or decrease the temperature of the group head.
Both machines have replaceable inner boilers so if you live in an area with hard water, you can replace them if they are to badly damaged by scale buildup. From a technical standpoint, both of these machines are really easy to repair.
Changing group gaskets are a cinch. Just remove 3 bolts and the collar will come off, and all you have to do is pull the old gasket out and put a new one on. No more having to break you back trying to dig out gaskets that are hard as a rock. Side panels are only held in place by a single screw, the front as 4 and so does the back. The pump is easily accessible as is about everything else. So maintenance is a breeze.
Now Super Automatics are a different story all together. We have 3 different generations on the market right now. The M52 Dolcevita, M3 Superbar, and the M2. The M52 is the oldest and to my knowledge and are trying to be replaced by the M3 Superbar series. Go to to have a look at the old vs. the new.
There are several different versions. I would suggest a M3 over the M52 any day of the week. I have worked on several M52, they do make great espresso but the machine is very complicated and if you don't keep proper maintenance the repair bill can add up very quickly.
The M2 is not displayed on the website yet. This is a totally redesigned espresso machine. It is based on worm gear so there is less of a chance of it breaking down. With this machine we do sacrifice a little espresso quality for reliability. Trust me when I say this machine is reliable. As far as I know, my distributor is currently back ordered on this toy!
If you’re looking at a super auto then you might want to think about investing in a M2. PM me if you would like more information on it.