CCafe- agreed- just look at this link: ... roductId=8 .
Good deal eh? US37.95 for 185gm Kopi Luwak!!! Hell no- this product is called "Kopi Luwak" as it is the companies Brand name, nothing to do with Kopi Luwak apart from that. It sells here in Indonesia for around $0.80 for the pack in all good (or not so good) supermarkets. It does rile me to see this and to read articles such as the one linked by Pak S. I do not know where all these quotes about "rarest coffee in the world" and "only 500kg a year" come from. Living not 3 km from a village that produces around 30kg of Luwak a year, I can not see how this village alone would produce 8% of Indonesia's entire luwak coffee output then literally force me to buy it for $5/kg! I roast most of what I get as a gift for visiting overseas roasters, green buyers, school groups, church and mosque visitors, scientists, biologists, friends, regular cafe and wholesale clients and my parents (who I believe give it to the neighours they always argue with).
I just think that either somewhere accross the ocean there are some sharp marketers or, more likely, the cunning oppertaors are sitting in glass towers in smoggy downtown Jakarta...buying Luwak for $3/kg and flogging it off to the public overseas for 100-200x that price.
However I guess if anyone is not really convinced in the overpriced, over marketed hype of Luwak, they can contact me and I will do a special deal of several hundred $$$$ for a kg or two :wink:
PS ; Topher mate I totally forgot!!!! PS Me the details again. Cheers