Let's compare the sales of pure espresso to the whole sale


Jan 7, 2005
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Let's compare the sales of pure espresso to the whole sale of coffee in cups, where only espresso, ristretto, espresso doppio are included. Not count caffee americano nor hammerhead coffee, or called red eye or black eye.

For our figures, it is as the following dataand graph.


or refer to

If anyone is interested in it, please post your data here.
As a shop owner it's of great interest to me, since my profit margin per cup is about three times greater for espresso beverages compared to drip coffee. Converting brewed coffee drinkers into espresso-based drink customers is a major goal.
Coffee Guy said:
I'm sorry, this is of interest, why? :shock:

You know, if the espresso is not well made, it can be not drinkable, and its sale, as for many of the coffee shops, is at a very low rate. Only when you can make a good espresso and your clients like you espresso, the sale of espresso can be increased to a high rate.

Basically, it shows the quality of the espresso and how much it can be accepted by your clients.
edtrbob said:
As a shop owner it's of great interest to me, since my profit margin per cup is about three times greater for espresso beverages compared to drip coffee. Converting brewed coffee drinkers into espresso-based drink customers is a major goal.

The most important is not the profit margin for your shop, but the future of your coffee shop and your competition position in that industry. From our experience, if only your espresso can be perfect, you will have the best competitive ability in the market, which may give you the widest development range.

As the world is much limited, we are right at the situation to make the standards for the espresso and many others.
You are talking about two different markets. Those that drink espresso based drinks and those that drink drip. Although I have to say your chart is interesting, in my opinion it it doesn't really provide me with any useful information if you are using it to only compare a few drinks. My point being if you are going to break down the numbers, then you may as well figure out all other drinks as well, i.e., mochas, flavored lattes, and the others that you have excluded from your sales figures. Also keep in mind that preparing a drip coffee does not cost as much as preparing an espresso based drink, since you don't have to add in to cost of milk, flavoring, etc. Therefore adding an additional cost factor of the drink. I don't know, maybe I'm trying to read too much into this...Too many hours...not enough sleep...I need a double hammer head... :shock:
I don't think they are two different markets. People go to a coffee shop and choose their drinks. Some ones have a definite choice, but some not. Some do not choose espresso due to their past and bad experience, in my opinion. That is why in our shop, espresso sale was 13%-15% for the first four months, and going up from thr fifth month.

For other coffee drinks, the sale took only small portion of the total. It is not because our drinks are not good, because the most important respect to make them is the espresso. If one coffee shop do not have good espresso, they cannot have good sale of espresso by not providing other coffee drinks. They simply loose clients. That is the situation in China, right now. So, we have the chance to do such business for many of the office building, which is a good chance for us but other people cannot do. Combining the rich marketing experience and clever commercial strategies, we shall have very good business in the market where other people would not even come.

Our coffee drinks was too much, including flavoured cappuccino both the body and the milk froth have the flavour, and some of them different colour. Our ice coffee is the most distinguished one. Unlike normal ice coffee with almost none of coffee taste, our ice coffee has clear coffee taste, and also the coffee froth (not milk) has the coffee taste. It cannot be explained well. The best way is to drink it.
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