Looking for a different food offer

Kiwi Coffee

New member
Aug 29, 2006
New Zealand
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I’m about to buy a small café (9 tables) in a block that has 8 cafes within a 100 yard radius. I’m not too concerned about the amount of competition; I’m getting the place for a very, very good price. My question, for those interested in answering, relates to what I should be selling by way of a food line.

My café is also an ice cream parlour selling a hugely popular premium local brand with no competition nearby. The figures show it might be unwise to get rid of the ice cream and I’m OK with keeping it.

There is a very small food preparation area and I think I’ll on be cooking a limited range of muffins, panini, and cakes. I would buy anything else in from local suppliers, ready-made.

Everybody sells muffins and panini (standard café fare here) and I’ll do that too, I’m looking for some ideas on what else I might offer.

Enough there for some ideas?


Big Wayne
If you have the tools you could try making cakes and serving them in single slices - all types of cakes would work, as well as brownies and donuts and things like that. Most people never have the time to make cakes themselves, and most don''t eat enough a day to purchase an entire cake, just for fun - it''s useful for the customers who are just standing before the counters and suddenly notice that mouthwatering double-chocolate-chip mocha cake and have a few extra bucks in their pocket, or those who just have a craving for things like that. I know I''d go for a brownie right now :grin:
Hi, you can add crepes... definitely. We prepare crepes in advance and freeze them.

Savory crepes are packed and freezed by order. We defrost them ( microwave), put a sauce over, some cheese and microwave them again.

For sweet crepes, we have them refrigerated and prepare them by the order ( nutella, butterscotch, jelly ), then to the microwave and serve.

I give you my secret recipe:

Alex's Crepe Batter:


1 Liter of whole milk.
3 Cups flour.
3 Eggs.
1 Teaspoon of salt.
3 Tablespoons of beurre noir ( black butter ). Put butter over medium-high fire until golden brown.
2 Tablespoons of cooking oil.


Blend all ingredients. Put a small portion of batter in a non stick hot pan, move the pan in all directions to make the crepe, once the crepe is cooked, turn it to cook the other side. You can also turn the crepes over a big skillet to make more crepes at the same time.
