Looking for a good inexpensive coffee maker($100-150)


New member
Mar 1, 2005
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Hey I know this has been asked, I searched, but I figured I'd ask again. I currently own a Millita Mill and Brew and a Capressio (Model?) coffee maker, along with various French presses, vacuum pots, etc. I like my vacuum pots and French presses, but not when Im in a hurry to get to class or work. I also find them to be a pain when I have guests over and want to make coffee for everyone, as I dont own any that make more than a few cups at a time. Anyway, Im looking for a good quality electric coffee maker. I have had bad luck with coffee makers and built in grinders, the mill and brew was the first that didnt break in 6 months. I am thinking that is a bad route.

I said cheap, but I only mean compared to the insanely expensive, for my personal use, commercial units many of you recomend. Anyway I can get that commercial machine coffee taste without the investment. Seems like none of the home units I have used make a good tasting cup of coffee. I also hate the burners, but pooring it into an airpot isnt a big deal either. Any recomendations for me. My price range 100-150 dollars, or so, and I would like it to last.

I keep finding all these unusual coffee machines, which look like good quality, but I have no idea if they are. I have been tempted to try a home bunn, but I hear they arent very good compared with the commercial units, and they are a waste of money. Any thoughts?
-For refrence, I only use fresh roasted whole bean coffee from the likes of local roasters or Coffee AM, and I dont use blends(personal prefrence).
maybe I should have asked about an Expresso machine, does that get better responses from you guys? Come on, I know I have seen a few bits of advice from people, such as the Dutch coffeemaker and what not. Maybe I should compile a list of all I am looking at, and you guys can give opinions.
Check on http://coffeegeek.com for both professional and consumer reviews of auto drip makers for home.

IIRC there are models by Cuisinart, Capresso and Technivorm in your price range that all brew hot enough (most consumer auto drip makers do not) and also brew direct into a thermal carafe.

Avoid built in grinders regardless of what machine you choose.
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