manual grinder


New member
Oct 23, 2005
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Hello everyone.

I've just purchased an espresso machine (cheap one.. dont ask :wink: ) and I am looking at grinders. I am thinking of one of the Zassenhaus hand mills. I like them, and dont mind turning the crank by hand, I'm just wondering how long I can expect it to take to crank out enough espresso grind for one or two shots?

Thanks in advance!
nobody know how long it takes to grind enough espresso for a shot with a hand mill?
Sorry, not to many people hand crank their espresso.
We stock those grinders, a matter of seconds....they are a great cheap option to buying pre-ground. If you are making more than 6 coffees at a time then it might take some effort.
Zassenhaus Hand Grinder

I've used the Zassenhaus hand grinder and they the very best. I got mine at a web store called CookingNaturals. They are getting scarcer to find these days and are in high demand. The small hand mill would be perfect for you and takes no time at all to grind out enough for a few cups.
:) I had given up on getting an answer after ccafe's post.

Thanks for the responses nz, and horsey!

Horsey, Which model do you have? After posting my question I found a review on the least expensive Zassenhaus, and while it didn't give an approximate time to grind, it did say it tended to lose its grind setting. Have you had this experience? do either of you know if the higher priced units have this problem?

Thanks again :D
I've got a Zassenhaus knee mill and grind for vacuum press every morning.

I like a fine grind, about one turn clockwise from burrs touching and grind for 9 cups. It takes about 260 turns of the handle to grind enough coffee and that takes about 10 minutes. That's not too long.

I haven't tried the Zass for espresso but I would imagine grinding finer for a double shot wouldn't take that long either.
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