Member picture thread

Having a cuppa-


Hunting Civets (Luwak) in West Java with world famous Luwak-ologist Proffessor Massimo Marcone


In Mandailing (Mandehling) Country, North Sumatra

Hello, Mr. Biscotto,

Hummm.... a new espresso machine.... I cant' wait to see a photo of you standing next to it.

Come to think of it, even a photo of you shoveling snow would be nice too.

I hope you post lots of photos real soon!

Nice pictures Andrew and Topher. Andrew- I am quite envious about your Indian trip. I am spending an increasing amount of time outside Indonesia, but have yet to make a trip up that way. As mentioned on another website, I am impressed with both the Arabica AND Robusta that I have cupped from the regions you travelled to.

Topher, nice body art. Did you begin getting Tats when you were a barista or is it a relatively recent thing?
Hey, when you are fueled by enough coffee this early in the day, you can do anything :)

Funny thing, I did not touch the stuff until hubby and I went on a diet a few years ago and it gave me something to do instead of eat junk.