Migraine Triggers/Caffeine?


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Jan 17, 2014
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Has anyone found to feel vulnerable to or getting a migraine when they drink caffeine or energy drinks?
They say it can caffeine can trigger it, but I find that caffeine actually helps me more than anything. Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in excedrin which for me is the best headache/migraine medicine around.
Yeah, I know a few friends that say that caffeine triggers their migraines - but only when they have a lot. Maybe it has something to do with the caffeine crash? I don't know enough about it, just a guess.
Well, I have exactly the same problem when my migraine attacks appear. It is really not easy to live with t, especially if they occur often. Every migraine attack is a hell for me. Because I have to stay in dark places and to sleep all day. That is really shity. And after that, I mix day and night and it causes many other different problems. But I have found a very good drug to treat such attacks. and migraines became much rarer. That is kratom. I take it from https://thegoldenmonk.com/buy-kratom/buy-kratom-walgreens/ and I make tea from it when I feel bad.
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If I already have a headache, I stay away from coffee until the headache goes away. Fortunately I don't have them very often so I usually get my one to two cups of cafe au lait in the morning to jump start my day.
Caffeine doesn't cause headaches, but it can trigger what's known as caffeine rebound. This occurs when you consume too much caffeine and subsequently experience withdrawal from it. The side effects can be severe, sometimes worse than a typical headache or migraine itself.
I always thought that caffeine actually helps with headaches?
Blood vessels enlarge prior to experiencing a migraine. Caffeine includes vasoconstrictive properties that can restrict blood flow. This means that ingesting caffeine can decrease the pain caused by a migraine. That's why it's an ingredient in a lot of popular pain relievers. It can make them as much as 40% more effective. Sometimes you can stop the pain in its tracks just by having caffeine alone. I have exactly suffer the same problem, when migraine attack and I immediately take black coffee :coffeecup: which contains more caffeine & help me to relief migraine pain .
Some Foods Like Eggs, tomatoes, onions, dairy products, wheat, including pasta and bread products, citrus fruits, nitrites found in foods, alcohol, especially red wine can also trigger migraine.
I think I get migranes from tiredness mostly. I used to get them from cheese, but don’t seem to anymore. Some beers will get me, but I hardly drink. I’ve had one from what I think was hot fresh bread before (something to do with the yeast i think??).

Caffeine (loads of coffee) with online pharmacy aspirin and paracetamol seems to help stop them or at least make them less severe if caught early enough. If it goes ‘full on’; nothing with cure it except climbing into bed with the lights off.
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I would definitely say to avoid the energy drink. It also could have been something else in the drink though or maybe the amount of caffeine, or it could have been something different entirely. I know that for me caffeine usually seems to help with migraines, but it can make some people's migraines worse.
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