milk based espresso


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Sep 19, 2008
New Zealand
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Call me a wimp but I have yet to switch to the Dark Side. I'm afraid that for all my efforts to pour the best coffee I can, I still need that frothy white milk in there to make it palletable. I just can't enjoy the pure form of coffee ..... so far anyway.
But milk seems to be the weakest link in the chain. Its so susceptable to off flavours, being easily light damaged, oxidised and readily absorbs "taint" from my fridge.

Recently I have been trying to get a little educated as to the different flavours of single origin beans but have had this process thwarted by unsatisfactory milk.

It seems such a waste to roast, grind and pour great espresso only to have it spoiled by milk that tastes as if its had old socks steeped in it.

So I've started buying a couple of 1 litre cartons along with our regular purchase of milk in plastic bottles. The light proof cardboard effectively prevents that oxidised flavour which is of course is often caused by exposure to light. So far I have noticed no off flavours from this milk.

Anyone else suffer in this way ?
Hello ArabBeaker,

You're not a wimp.....lots of people have a hard time switching to drinking their coffee black. Sometimes it's easier if it's a gradual process, where you use less and less milk and eventually stop using it. Sometimes a person simply prefers to use milk in his or her coffee ... I say as long as you enjoy it, drink your coffee any way you want!

I used to buy milk in the plastic bottles, until I noticed that the milk was picking up strange flavors, even when it was no where near the "sell by" date on the container. I even put a couple of baking soda boxes in the refrigerator thinking that they would absorb any odors and spare the milk. That didn't seem to help much.

So, as an experiment, I switched to buying a quart (or half gallon) of milk in the cardboard containers, making sure the "sell by" date was a week or so in the future. And, like you, I noticed a big difference, and the milk no longer picked up the flavors of the leftovers from last night's dinner. I've been buying milk in cartons ever since.

It's very possible that the milk cartons protect the favor of the milk better than the plastic bottles. The problem may be within the plastic bottles themselves. I've noticed that they seem thinner that they were before.

I hope you continue to enjoy your exploration of single origin beans. It's always fun to try a new coffee.

My milk tastes like coffee.

Just kidding, PinkRose, do you use cream & sugar in your coffee? I mean your real coffee, your PNG coffee. I tried just a few drops of milk in my Kenyan once and totally ruined my coffee.
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Hi Rose, I think the plastic ones allow light oxydation to occur faster.

Another subject ( but please carry on with the milk topic too) do you use a lot of PNG ?
Hello Mr. Biscotto,

I mainly like to use milk when I have a bowl of Rice Krispies.

However, on those occassions when I feel like adding cream to my coffee, I use Half and Half.

Yes, half & half, maybe ArabBeaker could try that instead. Those usually come in cartons, protecting it from light. In time, Arab will come over to the dark side.... and we'll be waiting.

(Rose, Rice Crispies? LOL. You know CCafe will shut us down for getting off topic)
Hello again ArabBeaker,

Papua New Guinea (medium roast) has become my favorite coffee. About six months ago I posted a question asking if anyone knew of a coffee that's similar to Jamacian Blue Mountain. Both Topher and Alun responded suggesting that I try PNG. I tried it and I've been hooked ever since.

In addition to the PNG, I've tried about a dozen other (medium roast) coffees in the past few months. Guatamala Autigua, Mexican High Grown, and El Salvador Peaberry (and some others) are really good too.

Just as a side note to help get the topic back on track....

Even though I don't miss the yucky flavor that my milk used to have, I do miss getting the milk in plastic bottles with tops. I've always had a problem neatly opening the standard milk cartons. (Once I had to ask my niece to open my Half and Half for me when I was really messing it up).

Since Half and Half should be shaken before opening, and again each time you use it, I like to buy the containers with the screw on tops when I can find them. They're easy to open and close, plus I don't spill any of the Half and Half when I shake it. Works for me!

I only add Half & Half to my iced coffee these days but I still get to make lattes for guests/family. I only buy organic whole milk which only comes in cartons around here. To me it tastes better & it also seems to stay fresh longer then reg milk.
i have experienced problems with milk aswel.
i started off with long-life carton milk.
this was only becuase it was the only way i could get a constant taste with the milk here in SA.
these cartons only come in 1L boxes and it takes up alot of space.
at the moment i buy CLOVER fresh milk. (full cream, 2%, skimmed)
its available at all supermarkets and grocery stores, it has a fair shelf life (between 8 - 12 days) and it has a white plastic, which prevents UV rays etc from damaging the milk.