milk frother recommendations


New member
Dec 31, 2007
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The frother on my espresso maker is broke. It seems like it is clogged, but I've done the whoe deliming process twice and attempted cleaning it out, but I'm not getting anywhere. It's a cheap espresso maker, so I'm not too surprised. It stills make espresso though.

So I have two questions - any other solutions as to cleaning my frother? I delime it according to the directions with vinegar. If no solutions, what is the best frother to buy without spending a lot of money? My espresso maker was only $30 (yea, I know - hush!), so I don't want to pay more than $20 for a frother. If there is nothing that cheap that works well, then I might consider buying a new (better) machine.
Sounds like the steam type of machine. You could unplug it and try taking it apart to see if there are any blockages that could be cleared. Could be something in the steam valve itself. Have you tried soaking the wand itself in a solution of whatever? Over time milk will build up terribly in the tip of a steam wand and should be soaked occasionally. If it has some type of removeable attachment always remove it after each use and clean well. Later!
Yea, it's a steam machine. The frother arm doesn't come off, but the tip does. I have soaked the tip in vinegar, but I think it's clogged more in the arm.
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