Moving from Saeco to Rancilio


New member
Jan 1, 2008
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Dear All,

I hope the topic has not put most of you off given the popularity of both manufacturers.

I have been using my Saeco Combo for almost ten years. Depending on the beans I have had some excellent shots but time is unforgivable and sooner or later I might have to face a serious repair work. I have started looking for a replacement and my eyes are set on a combo of Silvia and Rocky (including the steel base). I could not aford this when I bought my first pump machine (yes I have been through the steamed machines of Krups) but now the situation has improved (fingers crossed :).

I have also looked at some of the Brasilia machines, their Mini-Classic and the MD grinder. Brasilia are not very popular (if at all) in the USA. Another option is the Gaggia Baby Classic and their MDF grinder.

Can you advise me on the best option? To fill the picture, my wife and I have between us 6 to 9 shots a day/ I am a Cappuccino drinker while she likes her espresso strong and with thick crema. MiniClassic could be an overkill but I am open to your opinions.

This place is great, so many enthusiasts and gurus that share their experience is simply a fantastic thing for people like me.

Thank you in advance!


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I have also been looking at Expobar Office Pulser. Can I assume that provided I PID Silvia I would end up with similar results as if I were using the Expobar machine? I realise that the milk frothing would take longer times with Silvia no matter how many PID modifications I would make, but what the general performance difference would be is what I aim interested in knowing.

Thanks in advance!
I like the look and features of the Pulser. I really wanted one some time ago, but it was just too much to spend. With that being said, by most accounts a Silvia with a PID will pull shots as good as anything out there. But there is one woman on CG that had to install 2 PID controls and a rope heater just to maintain decent temps. ??? Personally I'd go with the Expobar. They are well built and have alot to offer for the money. Later!
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Thanks Shadow745!

I have been looking at the Pulser and but then I discovered the Isomac Zaffiro, which seems to be my favorite. I have read everything about the machine on the CG consumer reviews section and I liked the machine very much. It is not HX but one does not have to cool it down by releasing some hot water through the head. Moreover the Zaffiro has a genuine E61 while the Pulser is E61 like group.

Both machines are perfect for the purpose. I have decided that if I went for the Silvia I would have to do the PID and still you could not compensate for the smaller boiler. The Silvia machine is an excellent choice indeed, but I would rather go with the Zaffiro. I will combine it with a Rocky as the Isomac grinders seem not at the level of their machine counterparts.

I will be reading a bit more but hopefully by the end of the month I should have the equipment to do my first shot at home with a real E61 machine.
