need a name


New member
Feb 16, 2006
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Ok so this is probably the hardest part for me. I am having a brain block when it comes to a catchy name for a tropical location coffee shop. I don't want anything with a hot (temperature wise) name, something with more of a modern tropical, local feel. Anyone got some ideas???

Thanks :)
Hello Lydia, In Indonesia nearly all the cafes and coffee shops avoid trying to come up with a tropical name, instead focusing on the fact that they are indeed coffee houses. Mostly the Indonesian owned cafes use western names (eg- Mister Bean, Cicero Coffee, Coffee Bros, Brew and Co...etc). This may seem strange, but in fact people have been hanging out for cafes so long, i guess the owners want to make sure that there is no mistaking their cafes for gaudy tourist bars or even worse gaudy expat bars. Even in Bali the cafes are clearly identified by western names- "Black Canyon Coffee", "Bali Deli", "Le Bake"...etc. I am not sure about the market in Guam, meaning the number of cafes or what the locals are looking for. You might want to come up with the trop names and then throw in some Westernised ones and run it by your market. Good luck in any case. :grin:
you know i thought all about that but i want to be sure the locals know that it's a coffee house for them and not necessarily for tourists. I want to be sure to cater to the locals first, but appeal to tourists as well. of course it does depend on the exact location of the shop, which i haven't quite finalized on. Different parts of the island will need a completely different feel. You know i was thinking about just asking you directly...figured you would be the one to reply:) thanks again.
Ok leave it with me. I will give it some thought. I am sure with all the creative minds out there, you will probably be swamped with names by the end of the day!
A rose by any other name still smells as sweet...Something like that 8) Now if I give you that absolute killer of a name, you have to put me in your will for the inheritence :wink: O.K. try this name out...But first are you setting down??? O.K., O.K. here it is...But first you must think out of the box on this one :twisted: O.K. ready?

THE HUMAN BEAN :twisted: YEAH!!! with alun...I will think it over this weekend..someone should be able to come up with something...I like the ones that we came up for the church coffee shop :wink:
there is already a Human Bean

what about using the name of a beautiful attraction in the area with coffee behind it. That way locals feel a sense of pride/ownership and tourist will want to visit as well...

for example if I lived on Lanai I might choose a name like
Hulopoe Bay Coffee Company -

please, please, please google the name that you want and search trademarks before you go with the name of your choice.

less headache in the future.
New Name

Humm Tropical and local theme coffee shop.
Tropical.... Local....
I am pretty good at this.
How about...
"Palm Tree Right Here Cafe"?[/quote]
Hi there,

"Tropical Breeze Cafe" sounds fine for me. I'll try to come up with other options. Have a nice weekend.

I think i got it!!!

i think i have finally got the name...i will let everyone know once i get the logo to go with it. but i think everyone should like it...oh and i did google it to make sure there isn't already a trademark with the same name. thanks for all the help everyone!!!!
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