need help with grind


New member
Mar 8, 2004
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we are 1-2 weeks from opening our drive-thru and we've installed the machine and grinder, etc. My shots were brewing way too fast and my husband's way too slow....I know it's the grind. Can someone give me some hints on setting the grind to achieve the 18-24 second shots.

I know I sound really stupid-it's been a very stressful week ( had to "let go" one of the employees before we even open) and I can read and read all I want on the subject, but thought it best to ask the experts!

Thanks for your time.
if you guys are pulling off the same grind you haven't perfected your tamping...tamp using 30lbs of pressure once you get that wired do not adjust your tamping adjust your grind..sorry if this doesn't make sense..haven't had my coffee yet :oops:
Yeah Topher beat me too it. It does indeed make sense what he says. If you are both getting different results off the same grind setting then tamping is the key. To be honest tamping is pretty much overlooked in many cafes...especially the big chain stores. Without tamping you are not going to get the grinds compacted enough into the filter basket...thus you will end up with 15-17 second shots. The opposite is also tighter tamp and you are going to over extract the shot. My advice...chuck away the tamp fixed to the front of your grinder, get a decent hand tamp and just practice. As Topher says...about 30lbs pressure is enough. Tamp, brush any loose grinds from the top of the porter filter into the basket...tamp again finishing with a circular twist to polish the surface. Good luck!
oh and I forgot something...taste the coffee while you are practicing and see what time is good for the coffee you are using...25-28 was what I was running at the casino...a friend likes his around 30....well have fun! :wink:
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