Need help with Triple shot basket


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Apr 16, 2007
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So I've just installed a Nuova Simonelli Areulia Plus. We switched from an Elektra Modern Extra Maxi. I liked the Elektra and we will be using it for a mobile setup. The Simonelli seems to be a very nice machine but I have some kinks to work out. I we do 2 shots for 12 and 16oz drinks and 3 for 20oz. I went to bottomless portafilters one 3 shot basket one 2 shot and a 2 shot regular portafilter. I am having some trouble getting shot times correct. I would think that the grind should be the same between the 2 and 3 shot baskets but I'm getting very long extractions on the 3's when the 2's are tuned in correctly. Any suggestions?
You shouldn't have to change the grind between making drinks, doesn't make since if you got a line going out the door and your trying to perfect the grind between diff size drinks. Try putting a less of a dosage in the portafilter, ussually I tell my customers to dose till full, then scrape off the excess grounds with a wooden stir back into the ground coffee container, then tamp and see what you get. That should be a starting point as you know what your getting every time. Also check your water pressure gauge on the front of the machine and make sure it's on the right side of the green for more pressure. Ussually the machines are ready to go from factory thgouh. You also need to check for clean brew head and portafilter screens, excess water flowing into the driptray area right after an espresso brew (should be about 1/2 an once or so), and check your group head seal(should be no dripage going around on the outside of the portafilter). These aurelia's are good machines(work horses) and have not had any problems with the ones I have sold (except for the little batt for the plus display), so any feedback for my cheat sheet would be great.
CCCRoaster said:
So I've just installed a Nuova Simonelli Areulia Plus. We switched from an Elektra Modern Extra Maxi. I liked the Elektra and we will be using it for a mobile setup. The Simonelli seems to be a very nice machine but I have some kinks to work out. I we do 2 shots for 12 and 16oz drinks and 3 for 20oz. I went to bottomless portafilters one 3 shot basket one 2 shot and a 2 shot regular portafilter. I am having some trouble getting shot times correct. I would think that the grind should be the same between the 2 and 3 shot baskets but I'm getting very long extractions on the 3's when the 2's are tuned in correctly. Any suggestions?

You are using one triple (21 grams) basket and two double (14 grams) baskets? I don't think the extraction will be the same. Won't it be easier to use same size basket for all?
The machine is working correctly. Pressure reads in the green a bit closer to 10 than 5, maybe I should raise pump pressure. On the doubles I'm getting a 27-28 sec extraction from pushing the button. I will play with the dosing for the triple basket and see what happens. My coffee works best with a slight overdose on the doubles and maybe thats just too much for the triple.

Bean Tech:
I bought the Aruelia from a bank that had repoed it from a failed coffee shop the machine was in service for 8 months. Would any remaining warranty transfer? It's in perfect working order but I'm curious.
If I can't figure the problem we will swich to 3 14g baskets, I was just hoping to increase effiency buy being able to pull shots for a large in one step. Also when the triple basket is tuned correctly it delivers an outstanding shot. Huge long lasting crema and great flavor.
You only get a one year warranty on parts(no labor) from the manufactor and they read that by either the serial number or the sale date on the reciept. Most likely you will not have a warranty on that machine. With proper water filtration(cuno sgp 248b) and back washes being done daily you should never have a problem with that machine.
Also with the pressure do not exceed the green or 10 bar. When I setup the aurelia; I set the temp to the high side of temp1.3 and 9 bar on the water pressure. I also put the water level up to the max mark on the water level gauge to help keep the heat exchanger a little cooler. These adjustments can be done by you by reading the manual included(maybe) or by going online to nuovas website. When setting anything on the machine adjust a little then make three drinks then adjust make three and so on.
The water temp was set low on the machine. I brought it up to 1.3 and things are running better. I really am liking the machine the build quality vs. the Elektra is amazing. The Elektra looks like it was designed in the 70's in comparison. It's amazing how easily new cafe owners are snowed by a good looking machine before they realize what is really important in their shops primary tool. I'm sure as my baristas get used to the new machine that our speed of service will greatly increase. The only real issue is with a couple of my really short girls the controls are above eye level. Nothing a little stool won't cure. That or else I just need to hire people taller that 5'3".
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