NEED some help!!!!


New member
Sep 14, 2003
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Hello! I am new here on this forum. I live in Northern California, and its a great area to do coffee. We have several drive through coffee joints, which hit it big in this town. But there is a town with about 10,000 people about 12 miles away North. This town is on the way to the lakes and right off of I-5. It would be a wonderful spot and location to build a drive through Coffee place. I have done alot of research with this area and am finding that it will be soon that someone will be putting in something of this sort there in the location I think it will be perfect.

I need someone who has alot of exprience to contact me and maybe help me finance this wonderful drive through business opp. I could use all the advice I could get on this subject. I have done my reseach and find it wold be a great investment and worth the wild of someone to see it for themselves.

If anyone could offer any help or advice, I would love to hear it!!!


coffee drive through

Did you get help with your idea? I am interested in starting a drive through coffee shop and was curious as to any suggestions.

Hi Majie 25:

And to all of those interested in wanting to start in the coffee/espresso business. We specialize in drive thru set ups and support. Sometimes you may not know the questions to ask when starting this kind of business. We'd be happy to assist. We offer a catalog free of charge (print out) from our website. This is a starting point and in addition when you are ready, we are here.
