NesCafe Instant Coffee


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May 15, 2005
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I might get a bashing for talking about INSTANT coffee but I was just wondering if anyone uses this stuff. For INSTANT coffee, I find it pretty good! Are there any other INSTANT coffee's that you guys recommend?
Opps, I meant Taster's CHoice INstant Coffee.
Please Don't

I try diligently not to buy products of Nestle...its my own little boycott and I'd like to tell you why.

Nestle Co employed my sister, many of my classmates parents, and ran an instant coffee plant in Ripon, CA for nearly 70 years. While they are diligent about cleaning up the mess they created (due to the law) they closed the plant in the 1980's and put the 160 people employed there out. This after earning plant awards for productivity and exceeding goals almost every year. It was a big part of the community in Ripon - a town of about 7000 at the time.

When they closed it they wrote the community a nice letter, thanked the city for its dedication, and told us in writing the market for instant coffee was declining and they just had to close it.

6 months later a news of note in the Wall Street Journal appeared: Nestle Open new Instant Coffee Plant in Vietnam.

They lied to our community after being part of it for 70 years. I'll never buy their products. I'll avoid them as much as I can forever. I hope others will to. Let them sell their instant coffee in Vietnam.
Nestle Instant Coffee

I also like instant coffee of Nestle. It tastes very good. Its smell' s... oops.. I can't describe.

Well, I 'm sure that was upsetting that the company moved and people had to find new jobs, but I really don't see it as being that bad. Like - if I owned the company, I think I should have the option to move it elsewhere if I had my reasons. The instant coffee is in big demand in Asia and is mostly all you get served when you are there.
I really like most of the Nestle's products, including the instant coffee. I also worked for them in Australia and they were very fair.
Sure makes life easier to get up and place a spoonful into a cup with a mugful of water, but I go out later for the real deal.

Yeah it's called: Espresso+Water- AMERICANO presto; less than 30 seconds and the best coffee ever.
im not sure if it was a good question to start off with but i personally dont know why people even consider instant coffee.

there is one that isnt bad...jacobs labled jar.
its freeze dried, therefore its got more flavour than other instant coffee and the crema imitation it creates isnt bad.

otherwise...just stick to whats good...THE REAL THING! :lol:
Nestle Nescafe for the first question.

Now I don't use instant hot coffee because I would have to wait to boil the water so it isn't instant, but that is the "why". You want to spend your time drinking it not preparing it!!!! :D

It is just something different, It is much stronger, easier (not because of time but because you control how much sugar/coffee you add).
I personally make nescafe frappe (its a Greek thing), although I find capuccino fredo to be tastier (another Greek thing).

By the way, noone knows how to make a cold coffee? I haven't been anywhere where they can do a right job (or THE job for that matter)!!!
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